Overture: Maghrebi women's transvergent cinema -- Transnational feminist storytellers: Shahrazad, Assia, and Farida. Assia Djebar's transvergent Nuba: the Nuba of the women of Mount Chenoua (Algeria, 1978) -- Farida Benlyazid's initiation narrative: A door to the sky (Morocco, 1988) -- Transvergent screens. Yamina Bachir-Chouikh's transvergent echoes: Rachida (Algeria, 2002) -- Raja Amari's screen of the haptic: Red satin (Tunisia, 2002) -- Nadia El Fani's multiple screens: Bedwin hacker (Tunisia, 2002) -- From Dunyazad to transvergent audiences. Yasmine Kassari's "burning" screens: The sleeping child (Morocco, 2004) -- Selma Baccar's transvergent spectatorship: Flower of oblivion (Tunisia, 2006) -- Coda.