Robert W. Serth (Department of Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas, USA), Thomas G. Lestina (Vice President, Research & Engineering Services, Heat Transfer Research, Inc., College Station, Texas, USA).
Edition Statement
Second edition.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Amsterdam :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Elsevier/AP, Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
Previous edition: published as by R.W. Serth, 2007.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Contents note continued: 12.1. Introduction -- 12.2. Equipment Description -- 12.3. Air-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient -- 12.4. Air-Side Pressure Drop -- 12.5. Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficient -- 12.6. Fan and Motor Sizing -- 12.7. Mean Temperature Difference -- 12.8. Design Guidelines -- 12.9. Design Strategy -- 12.10.Computer Software.
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Contents note continued: 4.2. Heat-Transfer Coefficients for Exchangers without Fins -- 4.3. Hydraulic Calculations for Exchangers without Fins -- 4.4. Series/Parallel Configurations of Hairpins -- 4.5. Multi-Tube Exchangers -- 4.6. Over-Surface and Over-Design -- 4.7. Finned-Pipe Exchangers -- 4.8. Heat-Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors for Finned Annuli -- 4.9. Wall Temperature for Finned Pipes -- 4.10.Computer Software -- 5. Design of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. Heat-Transfer Coefficients -- 5.3. Hydraulic Calculations -- 5.4. Finned Tubing -- 5.5. Tube-Count Tables -- 5.6. Factors Affecting Pressure Drop -- 5.7. Design Guidelines -- 5.8. Design Strategy -- 5.9.Computer Software -- 6. The Delaware Method -- 6.1. Introduction -- 6.2. Ideal Tube Bank Correlations -- 6.3. Shell-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient -- 6.4. Shell-Side Pressure Drop -- 6.5. The Flow Areas -- 6.6. Correlations for the Correction Factors -- 6.7. Estimation of Clearances.
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Contents note continued: 7. The Stream Analysis Method -- 7.1. Introduction -- 7.2. The Equivalent Hydraulic Network -- 7.3. The Hydraulic Equations -- 7.4. Shell-Side Pressure Drop -- 7.5. Shell-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient -- 7.6. Temperature Profile Distortion -- 7.7. Good Design Practice -- 7.8. The Wills-Johnston Method -- 7.9.Computer Software -- 8. HEAT-Exchanger Networks -- 8.1. Introduction -- 8.2. An Example: TC3 -- 8.3. Design Targets -- 8.4. The Problem Table -- 8.5.Composite Curves -- 8.6. The Grand Composite Curve -- 8.7. Significance of the Pinch -- 8.8. Threshold Problems and Utility Pinches -- 8.9. Feasibility Criteria at the Pinch -- 8.10. Design Strategy -- 8.11. Minimum-Utility Design for TC3 -- 8.12.Network Simplification -- 8.13. Number of Shells -- 8.14. Targeting for Number of Shells -- 8.15. Area Targets -- 8.16. The Driving Force Plot -- 8.17. Super Targeting -- 8.18. Targeting by Linear Programming -- 8.19.Computer Software.
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Contents note continued: 8.20.A Case Study: Gasoline Production from Bio-Ethanol -- 9. Boiling Heat Transfer -- 9.1. Introduction -- 9.2. Pool Boiling -- 9.3. Correlations for Nucleate Boiling on Horizontal Tubes -- 9.4. Two-Phase Flow -- 9.5. Convective Boiling in Tubes -- 9.6. Film Boiling -- 10. Reboilers -- 10.1. Introduction -- 10.2. Types of Reboilers -- 10.3. Design of Kettle Reboilers -- 10.4. Design of Horizontal Thermosyphon Reboilers -- 10.5. Design of Vertical Thermosyphon Reboilers -- 10.6.Computer Software -- 11. Condensers -- 11.1. Introduction -- 11.2. Condenser Geometries and Configurations -- 11.3. Condensation on a Vertical Surface: Nusselt Theory -- 11.4. Condensation on Horizontal Tubes -- 11.5. Modifications of Nusselt Theory -- 11.6. Condensation Inside Horizontal Tubes -- 11.7. Condensation on Finned Tubes -- 11.8. Pressure Drop -- 11.9. Mean Temperature Difference -- 11.10. Multi-Component Condensation -- 11.11.Computer Software -- 12. Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers.
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Machine generated contents note: 1. Heat Conduction -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction -- 1.3. The Heat Conduction Equation -- 1.4. Thermal Resistance -- 1.5. The Conduction Shape Factor -- 1.6. Unsteady-State Conduction -- 1.7. Mechanisms of Heat Conduction -- 2. Convective and Radiative Heat Transfer -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.2.Combined Conduction and Convection -- 2.3. Extended Surfaces -- 2.4. Forced Convection in Pipes and Ducts -- 2.5. Forced Convection in External Flow -- 2.6. Free Convection -- 2.7. Radiation -- 3. Heat Exchangers -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.2. Double-Pipe Equipment -- 3.3. Shell-and-Tube Equipment -- 3.4. Plate Heat Exchangers -- 3.5. The Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficient -- 3.6. The LMTD Correction Factor -- 3.7. Analysis of Double-Pipe Exchangers -- 3.8. Preliminary Design of Shell-and-Tube Exchangers -- 3.9. Rating a Shell-and-Tube Exchanger -- 3.10. Heat-Exchanger Effectiveness -- 4. Design of Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers -- 4.1. Introduction.