Innovation and leadership in English language reading ;
Volume Designation
v. 4
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-224).
Text of Note
Conceptualizing culturally responsive pedagogy. Current challanges and frameworks -- Theoretical frameworks and research -- contextualizing studet acheivement and teacher education -- Perspectives and supports. Culturally responsive pedagogy: the stance from professional organizations -- Culturally responsive pedagogy: national and state levels -- Culturally responsive pedagogy: effective teaching -- Culturally responsive pedagogy: district and school levels -- Classrooms implementing culturally responsive pedagogy. Grade 3 literacy lesson with a culturally responsive focus -- Grade 9 science lesson with a culturally responsive focus -- Supporting teachers' growth in culturally responsive pedagogy. Mentoring and supporting culutrally responsive teaching practices.
Text of Note
"At its core, culturally responsive pedagogy represents a professional philosophy that is based on teachers' fundamental commitment to students' success. Authors Taylor and Sobel believe that teachers want to approach their teaching from the pivotal point that each of their students' lives matter. Working from a broad perspective of culture, the authors view culturally responsive teaching as a contextual and situational process for both teachers and students - all students - including those who are from a diversity of languages, cultures, racial/ethnic backgrounds, religions, economic resources, interests, abilities, and life experiences as well as students who are members of the society's 'mainstream' cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic background. Recognizing that teachers are conduits of culture regardless of what content they teach, the authors assert that when culture is coupled with pedagogy the result involves a complex and comprehensive mix of knowledge and skills for teachers to use to engage a diverse student population This book is intended as a guide and practical discussion for K-12 teachers who are committed to culturally responsive pedagogy and recognize the structural inequalities in society that are reflected in its schools. Such teachers acknowledge that schools have a history of failing to serve students who are outside of the 'mainstream' culture. For those teachers who recognize the sociopolitical nature of education and the role their own cultural background and privilege play in their work as a professional educator, they will find meaningful applications of research-based exemplars used to create and manage rigorous learning environments that maximize students' opportunities to learn"--Publisher's website.