Chapter 1. Epidemiology / Peter Leo and Michael McCrea -- chapter 2. Sport-related traumatic brain injury / Michael Clark and Kevin Guskiewicz -- chapter 3. Diffuse axonal injury / Erik Su and Michael Bell -- chapter 4. Blood-brain barrier pathophysiology following traumatic brain injury / Lulit Price, Christy Wilson, and Gerald Grant -- chapter 5. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of secondary neuronal injury following traumatic brain injury / Kamesh Krishnamurthy and Daniel T. Laskowitz -- chapter 6. Neuroinflammation / Finnian Hanrahan and Matthew Campbell -- chapter 7. Neurosteroids and traumatic brain injury : translating biomarkers to therapeutics; overview and pilot investigations in Iraq and Afghanistan era veterans / Christine E. Marx, Jennifer C. Naylor, Jason D. Kilts, Charlotte E. Dunn, Larry A. Tupler, Steven T. Szabo, Bruce P. Capehart, Rajendra A. Morey, Lawrence J. Shampine, Shawn K. Acheson, and VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Workgroup -- chapter 8. Neuroplasticity after traumatic brain injury / YouRong Sophie Su, Anand Veeravagu, and Gerald Grant -- chapter 9. Genetic influences in traumatic brain injury / Ellen R. Bennett, Karin Reuter-Rice, and Daniel T. Laskowitz -- chapter 10. Modeling post-traumatic epilepsy for therapy development / Giulia Curia, Clifford L. Eastman, John W. Miller, and Raimondo D'Ambrosio -- chapter 11. Translational principles of neuroprotective and neurorestorative therapy testing in animal models of traumatic brain injury / Edward D. Hall -- chapter 12. Biomarkers of traumatic brain injury and their relationship to pathology / Jin Zhang, Vikram Puvenna, and Damir Janigro -- chapter 13. Advanced neuroimaging of mild traumatic brain injury / Inga K. Koerte, Jakob Hufschmidt, Marc Muehlmann, Alexander P. Lin, and Martha E. Shenton -- chapter 14. Epilepsy after traumatic brain injury / Kan Ding, Puneet K. Gupta, and Ramon Diaz-Arrastia -- chapter 15. Intracranial pressure monitoring and management / Peter Le Roux -- chapter 16. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder : relationship to traumatic brain injury and approach to treatment / Jonathon R. Howlett and Murray B. Stein -- chapter 17. Traumatic brain injury and potential for neuromodulation / Shervin Rahimpour and Shivanand P. Lad -- chapter 18. Enhanced functional outcome from traumatic brain injury with brain-machine interface neuromodulation : neuroprosthetic scaling in relation to injury severity / Dennis A. Turner -- chapter 19. Neurocognitive and psychiatric symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury / Wesley R. Cole and Jason M. Bailie.