Sensor networking internet of things / Lauren Collins -- Sensor network platform and operating systems / Xinheng (Henry) Wang and Shancang Li -- Mobile crowd sensing / Manoop Talasila, Reza Curtmola, and Cristian Borcea -- In-network processing in wireless sensor networks / Qiao Xiang and Hongwei Zhang -- Wireless sensor hierarchical networks / Shancang Li and Xinheng (Henry) Wang -- Efficient distributed Bayesian estimation in wireless sensor networks / Andrew P. Brown, Ronald A. Iltis, and Hua Lee -- Constructing load-balanced data aggregation trees in probabilistic wireless sensor networks / Jing (Selena) He -- Biometric sensors and how they work / Sinjini Mitra -- Radio frequency identification device readers and tags / C.J. Wiemer -- Multimedia/audio sensor networking signal processing / Juan R. Aguilar -- Data mining in sensor networks / Sinjini Mitra and Pramod Pandya -- Wireless sensor network security: PHY-layer security / Andrea Bartoli, Juan Hernandez-Serrano, Miquel Soriano, Mischa Dohler, Apostolos Kountouris, and Dominique Barthel -- Impact of correlated failures on wireless sensor network reliability / Jorge E. Pezoa and Silvia Elena Restrepo -- Acoustic sensors and algorithms for urban security / Juan R. Aguilar -- Smart buildings and smart cities / Rim Boujrad and Thomas M. Chen -- Imaging technology / Hua Lee -- Reconfigurable MIMO FMCW imaging technique and applications in acoustical and microwave imaging / Hua Lee and Michael Lee -- Recent Advances in EO/IR imaging detector and sensor applications / Ashok K. Sood, Yash R. Puri, Nibir K. Dhar, and Dennis L. Polla -- Vehicular sensor networks / Juan Pan and Cristian Borcea -- Acoustic sensing system for underwater geolocation and navigation / Hua Lee -- Load-balanced virtual backbones in wireless sensor networks / Jing (Selena) He -- Appendixes: A. List of sensor networking standards, organizations, and protocols / John R. Vacca -- B. Glossary / John R. Vacca.