3. On the Spirit of God and the Holy Spirit -- In the divine Sophia -- In the creaturely Sophia -- 5. The Revelation of the Holy Spirit -- The Kenosis of the Holy Spirit in creation -- Divine inspiration in the Old Testament -- Divine inspiration in Christ -- The Pentecost -- The gifts of the Pentecost -- Epilogue: The Father.
Text of Note
Introduction: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Patristic literature -- Early Christianity -- Tertullian's subordinationism and stoic philosophy -- Cosmological subordinationism in Arianism -- Ontological subordinationism in Origen's doctrine of the Holy Trinity -- Homoousianism in the trinitarian doctrine of St. Athanasius of Alexandria -- The Cappadocians' doctrine of the Holy Trinity and of the Holy Spirit -- The Western doctrine of Homoousian Trinitarian theology (St. Augustine) -- The Trinitarian and Pneumatological doctrine of St. John of Damascus -- 1. The place of the third Hypostasis in the Holy Trinity -- Trinitarity and the third Hypostasis -- The Taxis of order of the Hypostases in the Holy Trinity -- 2. The Procession of the Holy Spirit -- The first doctrines of the Procession of the Holy Spirit: dia and et (que) -- The Second Epoch in the doctrine of the Procession of the Holy Spirit. The Greco-Latin Polemic: Photian (Anti-Latin) Theology against the Latin Filioque --