Chapter 1: what is the payment card industry data security standard (pci dss)?; chapter 2: what is the scope of the pci dss?; chapter 3: compliance and compliance programmes; chapter 4: consequences of a breach; chapter 5: how do you comply with the requirements of the standard?; chapter 6: maintaining compliance; chapter 7: pci dss the standard; chapter 8: aspects of pci dss compliance; chapter 9: the pci self-assessment questionnaire (saq); chapter 10: procedures and qualifications; chapter 11: pci dss and iso/iec 27001; chapter 12: payment application data security standard (pa-dss)
Text of Note
This handy pocket guide will provide you with all the information you will need when considering how to approach the PCI DSS, and is an ideal tool for awareness training for your PCI staff.