Introduction / William B. McGregor -- English possessives as reference-point constructions and their function in the discourse / Peter Willemse, Kristin Davidse and Liesbet Heyvaert -- On the co-variation between form and function of adnominal possessive modifiers in Dutch and English / Jan Rijkhoff -- Is possession mere location? Contrary evidence from Maa / Doris Payne -- Learning to encode possession / Sonja Eisenbeiss, Ayumi Matsuo and Ingrid Sonnenstuhl -- Plain vs. situated possession in Czech: a constructional account / Mirjam Fried -- Attributive possessive constructions in Oceanic / Frank Lichtenberk -- Possessive clauses in East Nusantara, the case of Tidore / Miriam van Staden -- Possessive expressions in the Southwestern Amazon / Hein van der Voort -- Possession in the visual-gestural modality: how possession is expressed in British Sign Language / Kearsy Cormier and Jordan Fenlon.