Microbial flora of humans and microbial virulence factors -- Indigenous and pathogenic agents of research animals -- Laboratory, growth chamber, and greenhouse microbial safety: plant pathogens and plant-associated microorganisms of significance to human health -- Epidemiology of laboratory-associated infections -- Risk assessment of biological hazards -- Bacterial pathogens -- Protozoa and helminths -- Mycotic agents of human disease -- Viral agents of human disease: biosafety concerns -- Biosafety for microorganisms transmitted primarily by the airborne route -- Cell lines: applications and biosafety -- Allergens of animal and biological systems -- Biological toxins: safety and science -- Design of biomedical laboratory facilities -- Primary barriers and equipment-associated hazards -- Priamry barriers: biological safety cabinets, fume hoods, and glove boxes -- Personal respiratory protection -- Standard (Universal) precautions for handling human specimens -- Prudent biosafety practices -- Decontamination and disinfection -- Packing and shipping biological materials -- Biological safety program management -- Biosafety compliance: a global perspective -- Occupational medicine in a biomedical research setting -- Measuring biosafety program effectiveness -- Biosafety of prion diseases -- Safety considerations in the BSL-4 maximum-containment laboratory -- Biosafety and viral gene transfer vectors -- Biosafety in the teaching laboratory -- Biosafety in the pharmaceutical industry -- Large-scale production of microorganisms -- Special considerations for agriculture pathogen biosafety -- Biosafety and biosecurity: regulatory impact.
Text of Note
The fourth edition of Biological Safety: Principles and Practices continues the format of the previous edition, focusing closely on infectious and toxic biological agents and their identification and control.