Molecular characterization of the proapoptotic protein bax / Yi-Te Hsu and Soraya Smaili -- Assessing cytochrome-c release from mitochondria / Douglas W. Ethell and Douglas R. Green -- Monitoring caspases in neuronal cell death / Younes Bounhar, Omar Tounekti, and Andréa C. LeBlanc -- HSV amplicon vectors in neuronal apoptosis studies / Kathleen A. Maguire-Zeiss, William J. Bowers, and Howard J. Federoff -- Microinjections to study the specific role of proapoptotic proteins in neurons / Yan Zhang and Andréa C. LeBlanc -- Designing microarray experiments for neurobiology / P. Scott Eastman and Jeanne F. Loring -- Analysis of gene expression by nylon membrane cDNA arrays / H. Michael Tucker and Steven Estus -- Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as a target for antiapoptotic drugs / Mark D. Berry and Paula C. Ashe -- Analytical approaches for investigating apoptosis and other biochemical events in compartmented cultures of sympathetic neurons / Barbara Karten ... [et al.] -- Detection and analysis of synaptosis / Greg M. Cole and Karen Gylys -- In situ detection of apoptotic neurons / Kevin A. Roth -- Apoptotic and oxidative indicators in Alzheimer's Disease / Arun K. Raina ... [et al.].