At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Learning More About ARTIK; Change and Evolution; Your Journey Through This Book; Samsung Developer Resources; Samsung Developer Downloads; ARTIK OS Source Code; Samsung Developer Blog; Samsung Developer Forums; Get Your Samsung Developer Account Now; An Even Quicker Start; Chapter 2: Hardware; The ARTIK Family; Provenance; Choose the Right Model; Introducing the ARTIK 520; General Arrangement; Functional Organization; Known Firmware Versions; Introducing the ARTIK 1020; General Arrangement
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BQ2429 -- Battery Charger ChipCW2015 -- Battery Fuel Gauge Chip; The sec_pmic (S2MPS14-PMIC) Chip; Saving Power by Slowing Things Down; Summary; Chapter 7: File Systems; About the File System; Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS); File System Inodes; File System Types; File Types; File Access Control; File System Trees; File System Mapped Properties; Summary; Chapter 8: The /sys Virtual File System; About sysfs; Inside sysfs; Kernel Developers Roadmap; /sys/devices; Memory-Mapped Base Addresses; Finding Base Addresses in bash; Finding Base Addresses in the C Language
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Chapter 5: Operating System InternalsUnder the Hood; The Component Parts of the ARTIK OS; U-Boot Loader; Device Tree; Kernel; Fedora Distribution; Yocto Build Manager; Additional Software; Looking Inside the Kernel; Kernel Versions; Interacting with the Kernel; Using the Kernel debugfs Filesystem; Standard Input/Output Devices; Peripheral Interfaces; Programmable I/O Pins; Accessing the Peripherals; Summary; Chapter 6: Startup, Sleep, and Shutdown; The System Administrator Console; Power and Reset Buttons; Setting the Boot Mode Switches; Cold vs. Warm Boots; Starting Up the ARTIK
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Functional OrganizationKnown Firmware Versions; ARTIK Module Connections; Physical Dimensions; Buy an ARTIK Development System Now; Component Suppliers; Summary; Chapter 3: Developer Reference Boards; A Little History; Connecting External Devices; Schematic Diagrams; Reading the Schematic Diagrams; Type 5 -- Version 0.5.0; Type 10 -- Version 0.5.0; Test Points; Interesting Chip Data Sheets; Summary; Chapter 4: About the Operating Systems; Comparing the ARTIK Operating Systems; About Fedora OS; But What Is Yocto?; Other Operating System Choices; Tizen Secrets; Summary
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The Boot LoaderU-Boot Commands; Boot Loader Console Messages; Passing Arguments to the Kernel; Kernel Boot Options; Device Tree; Starting Up the Kernel; Kernel Startup Messages; Fedora Startup Messages; Reconfiguring the Startup; The /boot Directory; Login Credentials; Shutdown Commands; Shutdown Console Messages; About Power Management; Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC); Monitoring Power Consumption; Arduino Power-Saving Mode; Power Management with systemctl; /sys/power; Wake Locks; Relevant Power Management AXT Connections; /sys/class/power_supply; Power Management Devices