At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Getting Started; What Is Configuration Management?; Infrastructure as Code; About Ansible; Puppet, Chef, and Other Configuration Management Tools; Installing Ansible; Writing Your First Playbook; Creating a Test Environment with Vagrant; About VirtualBox and Vagrant; Installing VirtualBox and Vagrant; Creating Your Environment; An Introduction to Playbooks; Your First Playbook; Playbooks and Idempotency; Summary; Chapter 2: The Inventory File; What's an Inventory?
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IAM UsersKey Pairs; Security Groups; Prerequisites; Creating an Instance; Deleting Instances; Managing Instance Cardinality; Provisioning Your New Instance; Running Your WordPress Playbook; Dynamic Inventories; Creating a VPC; Summary; Chapter 8: Testing with Test Kitchen; About Test Kitchen; Installing Test Kitchen; An Introduction to ServerSpec; Writing Your First Test; More Lightweight Tests; Testing Your WordPress Role; Summary; Chapter 9: Advanced Ansible; Ansible: The Command-Line Tool; Querying the Environment; ansible-vault; ansible-galaxy; ansible-galaxy init; ansible-galaxy install
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Playbook VariablesPlaybook vars_prompt; Playbook vars_files; Role Variables (Commonly Used); Block Variables; Task Variables; Extra Variables; Gathering Facts; Disabling Facts; Facts.d; Fact Caching; hostvars; Working with Variables; Ansible's Variable Philosophy; Summary; Chapter 6: Writing Your Own Modules; About Ansible Modules; ansible-modules-core; ansible-modules-extras; Environment Setup; Writing a Module Using Bash; Writing a Module Using Python; Writing in Any Other Programming Language; Providing Facts via a Module; Summary; Chapter 7: Orchestrating AWS; Creating an AWS Account
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Running Without VagrantConfiguration Options in the Inventory; Inventory Variable Registration; Inventory Groups; An Example Inventory; Dynamic Inventories; Multiple Inventories; Summary; Chapter 3: Installing WordPress; Installing WordPress; Environment Configuration; Installing Dependencies; Installing PHP; Installing MySQL; Installing nginx; Tasks and Handlers; Downloading WordPress; Downloading it Yourself; Downloading it Automatically; Configuring a WordPress Install; Making a Backup; Making It Idempotent; Summary; Chapter 4: Ansible Roles; Ansible Galaxy; Role Structure
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Splitting Up Your WordPress Playbookmheap.php; mheap.mysql; mheap.nginx; mheap.wordpress; mheap.common; Role Dependencies; Wrapper Roles; Creating Roles for Different Platforms; Tips for Writing Roles; Summary; Chapter 5: Parameterizing Playbooks; Parameterizing Your WordPress Role; Customizing the WordPress Domain Name; Variable Locations; Role Defaults (Commonly Used); Inventory Variables; Inventory Group Variables; Inventory Host Variables; Playbook Group Variables (Commonly Used); Playbook Host Variables (Commonly Used); Host Facts; Registered Variables (Commonly Used); Set Facts
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This book is your concise guide to Ansible, the simple way to automate apps and IT infrastructure. It takes you from knowing nothing about configuration management to understanding how to use Ansible in a professional setting. You will learn how to create an Ansible playbook to set up an environment automatically, ready to install an open source project. You'll extract common tasks into roles that you can reuse across all your projects and build your infrastructure on top of existing open source roles and modules that are available for you to use. You will learn how to build your own modules to perform actions specific to your business. By the end you will create an entire cluster of virtualized machines, all of which have your applications and all their dependencies installed automatically. Finally, you'll test your Ansible playbooks. Ansible: From Beginner to Pro will teach you the key skills you need to be an Ansible professional. You'll be writing roles and modules and creating entire environments without human intervention in no time at all -- add it to your library today