Milky Way (Yosemite, Big Bend, all national parks and monuments) -- Solar eclipses, black holes, gravity (Grand Teton and Chaco Culture National Historical Park) -- Tides on Earth, moons, stars, galaxies (Acadia and all costal parks) -- Volcanoes in the solar system (Yellowstone and all volcanic parks) -- Mars (Arches and all Four Corners region parks) -- Climate change on Venus, Earth, Mars (Glacier and all glacial parks) -- Moon and meteor showers (Great Smokey Mountains, Acadia, and all eastern parks) -- Stars and archaeoastronomy (Chaco Culture National Historical Park) -- Extrasolar planets (Rocky Mountain and all parks of the mountain west) -- Cosmology (Grand Canyon National Park) -- Light pollution and our night sky heritage (Bryce Canyon, Natural Bridges, and all national parks and monuments)
Text of Note
A great way to learn/teach astronomy. Uses photographs and sky charts to form a connection between what is in the sky and seen on the ground