Notes on Contributors -- Introduction: What Remains of German Idealism?: Joseph Carew and S.J. McGrath -- 1. Kant's Philosophy of Projection: The Camera Obscura of the Inaugural Dissertation of 1770: Constantin Rauer (translated by Michael Kolodziej) -- 2. The Meaning of Transcendental Idealism in the Work of F.W.J. Schelling: Alexander Schnell (translated by Heidi A. Samuelson) -- 3. 'Animals, Those Incessant Somnambulists': A Critique of Schelling's Anthropocentrism: Devin Zane Shaw -- 4. The Non-Existence of the Absolute: Schelling's Treatise On Human Freedom: Cem K̐Μưom̐Μưurc̐Μưu -- 5. Disorientation and Inferred Autonomy: Kant and Schelling on Torture, Global Contest, and Practical Messianism:
Text of Note
The 'death' of German Idealism has been decried innumerable times since its revolutionary inception, whether it be by the 19th-century critique of Western metaphysics, phenomenology, contemporary French philosophy, or analytic philosophy. Yet in the face of two hundred years of sustained, extremely rigorous attempts to leave behind its legacy, German Idealism has resisted its philosophical death sentence. For this exact reason it is timely to ask: What remains of German Idealism? In what ways does its fundamental concepts and texts still speak to us? Drawing together new and established voices from scholars in Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling, this volume offers a fresh look at this time-honoured tradition. It uses a myriad of recently developed conceptual tools to present new and challenging theories of its now canonical figures