1. The city and the stars. Science versus fiction ; Scenarios and simulations: BioShock -- StarCraft ; Virtual gameworlds -- 2. The Matrix Online. Mega City ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Hacking and coding ; Exiles and personalities -- 3. Tabula Rosa. Exploring two worlds ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; The Logos language ; The cultures of spaceflight -- 4. Anarchy Online. The planet Rubi-Ka ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Anarchy nanotechnology ; Anarchy society -- 5. Entropia Universe. Exploring Calypso ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Colonizing Calypso ; Social implications -- 6. Star Trek Online. Memory Alpha ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Episodes ; Social bugs -- 7. EVE Online. Republic versus Empire ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Technology of the EVE galaxy ; Social life between the stars -- 8. Star Wars Galaxies. A galaxy far, far away ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Division of labor ; The future of religion -- 9. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Two new races ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Alchemy and engineering in Outland ; The social environment -- 10. The Chronicles of Riddick. A dark world ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; Science and technology in the new media ; Society of darkness -- 11. The Skylark and the Shuttle. Optimism versus pessimism ; Scientific and philosophical basis ; The future of virtual worlds.