Introduction: Polysaccharide chemistry: frontiers and challenges / Kevin J. Edgar -- Polysaccharides in oral delivery -- recent applications and future perspectives / Snadra Klein -- Building new drug delivery systems: in vitro and in vivo studies of drug-hydroxybutenyl cyclodextrin complexes / Charles M. Buchanan [and others] -- High throughput screening method for determination of equilibrium drug solubility / Norma L. Buchanan, Charles M. Buchanan -- Cellulose nanocrystals for drug delivery / Maren Roman [and others] -- Enhanced dissolution of poorly soluble drugs from solid dispersions in carboxymethylcellulose acetate butyrate matrices / Michael C. Shelton [and others] -- Modification of cellulose in ionic liquids towards biomedical applications / T. Liebert [and others] -- Cellulose composites prepared using ionic liquids (ILS) -- blood compatibility to batteries / Tae-Joon Park, Saravanababu Murugesan, Robert J. Linhardt -- Green composites prepared from cellulose nanoparticles / Jacob D. Goodrich, William T. Winter -- Versatile concept for the structure design of polysaccharide-based nanoparticles / Thomas Heinz, Stephanie Hornig -- Modified galactoglucomannans from forestry waste-water for films and hydrogels / Margaretha Söderqvist Lindblad [and others] -- Synthesis of methylated cello-oligosaccharides / Hiroshi Kamitakahara, Fumiaki Nakatsubo, Dieter Klemm -- Direct synthesis of partially substituted cellulose esters / Kevin J. Edgar -- Synthesis and properties of regioselectively substituted cellulose cinnamates / Tesuo Kondo [and others] -- Self-assembling bolaforms from biorefinery polysaccharidfes / Joseph J. Bozell [and others] -- HR-MAS: the other NMR approach to polysaacharide solids / William T. Winter, DeAnn Barnhart