Introduction to clinical anatomy -- The upper and lower airway and associated structures -- The chest wall, chest cavity, lungs, and pleural cavities -- The heart, coronary vessels, and pericardium -- The blood vessels of the thorax -- The blood vessels of the head and neck -- The blood vessels of the upper extremity -- The blood vessels of the abdomen, pelvis and perineum -- The blood vessels of the lower extremity -- The lymph vessels and lymph tissue -- Bones and cartilage -- Joints -- Skeletal muscles -- The skull, the brain, the meninges, and the blood supply of the brain relative to trauma and intracranial hemorrhage -- The cranial nerves and trigeminal nerve blocks -- The vertebral column, the spinal cord, and the meninges -- The spinal nerves and spinal nerve blocks -- The eye and the ear -- The abdominal wall, the peritoneal cavity, the retroperitoneal space, and the alimentary tract -- The viscera associated with the alimentary tract: the liver, the pancreas, and the spleen -- The kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra -- The male genital organs, the penis and scrotum -- The perineum, the female genital organs, and childbirth -- The endocrine glands