Introduction -- Incidence of lightning -- Electrical structure of lightning-producing clouds -- Downward negative lightning discharges to ground -- Positive and bipolar lightning discharges to ground -- Upward lightning initiated by ground-based objects -- Artificial initiation (triggering) of lightning by ground-based activity -- Winter lightning in Japan -- Cloud discharges -- Lightning and airborne vehicles -- Thunder -- Modeling of lightning processes -- The distant lightning electromagnetic environment: atmospherics, Schumann resonances, and whistlers -- Lightning effects in the middle and upper atmosphere -- Lightning effects on the chemistry of the atmosphere -- Extraterrestrial lightning -- Lightning locating systems -- Deleterious effects of lightning and protective techniques -- Lightning hazards to humans and animals -- Ball lightning, bead lightning, and other unusual discharges
Text of Note
"Lightning: Physics and Effects is the first book that covers essentially all aspects of lightning, including lightning physics, lightning protection, and the interaction of lightning with a variety of objects and systems as well as with the environment. It is written in a style that will be accessible to the technical non-expert and is addressed to anyone interested in lightning and its effects. This will include physicists, engineers working in the power industry and in the communications, computer, and aviation industries, meteorologists, atmospheric chemists, foresters, ecologists, physicians working in the area of electrical trauma, and architects. This comprehensive reference volume contains over 300 illustrations, 70 tables containing quantitative information, and over 6000 references and bibliography entries."--Jacket