Balkema-proceedings and monographs in engineering, water, and earth sciences
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Forecasting, hazard, and risks related to natural phenomena / Stefano Campus, Luca Paro -- Forecasting natural phenomena for emergency management / Secondo Barbero -- A knowledge base and the diffusion of knowledge as supports for the assessment of hazard and risk / Enrico Bonansea, Carlo Troisi -- Meteorological phenomena / Paolo Bertolotto ... [et al.] -- The large alpine landslides / Michele Morelli, Luca Paro -- Rock falls / Marta Castelli, Erme Fusetti, Luca Mallen -- Shallow landslides / Stefano Campus, Gabriele Nicolo⁺ђ, David Rabuffetti -- Torrential processes / Federica Marco -- Avalanches / Andrea Bertea ... [et al.] -- River flooding / Secondo Barbero, Gianfranca Bellardone, Claudia Giampani -- Meteorological forcasting / Daniele Cane ... [et al.] -- Indicators of rainfall hazard / Secondo Barbero, Milena Zacagnino -- Towards a different approach to forecasting methods / Stefano Campus -- Forecasting floods / Secondo Barbero ... [et al.] -- Forecasting landslides / Fabrizio Bosco ... [et al.] -- Limitations and constraints of forecasting / Secondo Barbero ... [et al.] -- The case of the Scrivia River on September 15-16, 2004 / Elena Oberto -- The mass movement of the Rio Frejus (Bardonecchia, NW Italian Alps) on August 6th, 2004 / Fabrizio Bosco ... [et al.].
General Material Designation
Dalla valutazione alla previsione dei rischi naturali.