Online the following appendices are available at Appendix D: Introduction to flowcharting; Appendix E: Using UML in class design; Appendix F: Namespaces; Appendix G: Writing managed C++ code for the .net framework; Appendix H: Passing command line arguments; Appendix I: Header file and library function reference; Appendix J: Binary numbers and bitwise operations; Appendix K: Multi-source file programs; Appendix L: Stream member functions for formatting; Appendix M: Introduction to Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 express edition; Appendix N: Answers to checkpoints; and Appendix O: Solutions to odd-numbered review questions
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
Introduction to computers and programming -- Introduction to C++ -- Expressions and interactivity -- Making decisions -- Loops and files -- Functions -- Arrays -- Searching and sorting arrays -- Pointers -- Characters, C-strings, and more about the string class -- Structured data -- Advanced file operations -- Introduction to classes -- More about classes -- Inheritance, polymorphism, and virtual functions -- Exceptions, templates, and the standard template library (STL) -- Linked lists -- Stacks and queues -- Recursion -- Binary trees -- Appendix A: Getting started with Alice -- Appendix B: The ASCII character set -- Appendix C: Operator precedence and associativity