Includes bibliographical references (p. 355) and index
Text of Note
1. Business Intelligence and Information Exploitation -- 2. The Value of Business Intelligence -- 3. Planning for Success -- 4. Developing Your Business Intelligence Roadmap -- 5. The Business Intelligence Environment -- 6. Business Processes and Information Flow -- 7. Data Requirements Analysis -- 8. Data Warehouses and the Technical Business Intelligence Architecture -- 9. Metadata -- 10. Data Profiling -- 11. Business Rules -- 12. Data Quality -- 13. Data Integration -- 14. High-Performance Business Intelligence -- 15. Deriving Insight from Collections of Data -- 16. Creating Business Value Through Location-Based Intelligence -- 17. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining for Predictive Analytics -- 18. Repurposing Publicly Available Data -- 19. Knowledge Delivery -- 20. Emerging Business Intelligence Trends -- 21. Quick Reference Guide