proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Stirling, Scotland, September 1977 /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by D.S. McLusky and A.J. Berry.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
New York :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Pergamon Press,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xv, 388 p. :
Other Physical Details
ill. ;
26 cm.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Text of Note
Effects of nutritive stress upon diel rhythms, total tissue metabolism, and tissue metabolic rates in Carcinus maenas (L.) (Crustacea: Decapoda) / J.C. Aldrich -- Activities of some enzymes associated with energy yielding metabolism in Glycera alba (Müller) from three areas of Loch Eil / J. Blackstock -- Starvation and the lack of haemocyanin in Cancer pagurus L. (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Scottish west coast waters / A. Bottoms -- Heart and scaphognathite activity during the digging behaviour of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.) / N. Cumberlidge and R.F. Uglow -- Etude experimentale de la respiration, de la croissance et de la fecondite de Tisbe holothuriae (Copepode: Harpacticoide) eleve a des temperatures differentes / R. Gaudy and J-P. Guerin -- Respiration of Patella vulgata on the shore / D.F. Houlihan and J.R.L. Newton -- Consumption and utilization of food by juvenile plaice in the Wadden Sea / B. Kuipers and M. Fonds -- Some responses of tropical mangrove fiddler crabs (Uca spp.) to high environmental temperatures / D.J. Macintosh -- Physiological adaptation of Cancer irroratus larvae to cyclic temperatures / A.N. Sastry -- Anaerobic metabolism of the scavenging isopod Cirolana borealis Lilljeborg. Adenonine nucleotides / H.R. Skjoldal and T. Baakke -- In situ monitoring of oxygen production and respiration in Cnidaria with and without zooxanthellae / A. Svoboda -- The influence of swimming performance on the metabolic rate of gadoid fish / P. Tytler -- Sodium balance and salinity tolerance of the mysid Leptomysis mediterranea / C. Lucu -- Osmoregulation of the euryhaline Chinese crab Eriocheir sinensis. Ionic transports across isolated perfused gills as related to the salinity of the environment / A. Pequeux and R. Gilles -- Guanine and permeability in swimbladders of slope-dwelling fish / L.G. Ross and J.D.M. Gordon -- Structure and function of chloride cells in the gills of Anguilla anguilla / J.R. Sargent ... [et al.] -- Physiology of denitrifying bacteria from tidal mudflats in the River Tay / G.M. Dunn, R.A. Herbert and C.M. Brown -- C/N et controle de la physiologie des cultures de phytoplancton / J. MoaI, J-F. Samain and J-R. Le Coz -- Contribution to studies on the effect of ectocrine substances on the development of marine invertebrates. Absorption of labelled (14C or 3H) dissolved organic substances by the eggs and larvae of Euphausia krohnii / J-F. Pavillon -- The extraction of specific proteins for the simultaneous ectodermal absorption of charged and neutral amino acids by Anemonia sulcata (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) / D. Schlichter -- The uptake and utilization of dissolved amino acids by the bivalve Mya arenaria (L.) / M.G. Stewart -- Mechanisms of immobilization and detoxication of metals in marine organisms / T.L. Coombs and S.G. George -- The effect of salinity on the uptake of cadmium by the common mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.) / S.G. George, E. Carpene and T.L. Coombs -- Response of embryos of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to heavy metals at different temperatures / J.R. MacInnes and A. Calabrese -- The impact of pollution on the intertidal fauna of the estuarine Firth of Forth / D.S. McLusky, M. Elliott and J. Warnes -- Lead transport in the common mussel, Mytilus edulis / M. Schulz-Baldes -- Interspecific differences in tolerance of Eurytemora affinis and Acartia tonsa from an estuarine anoxic basin to low dissolved oxygen and hydrogen sulphide / S.L. Vargo and A.N. Sastry -- lntraspecific organisation in parrot fish / R.W. Bruce -- Balcis alba (da Costa) - a 'temporary' ectoparasite on Neopentadactylia mixta Östergren / L. Cabioch ... [et al.] -- The migration of plaice larvae Pleuronectes platessa into the western Wadden Sea / F. Creutzberg, A.Th.G.W. Eltink and G.J. van Noort -- Crustacean larval phototaxis : possible functional significance / R.B. Forward Jr. and T.W. Cronin -- Emergence times of the intertidal midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae) at places with abnormal tides / F. Heimbach -- Diurnal vertical migration and zooplankton-epibenthos relationships in a North Norwegian fjord / C.C.E. Hopkins and B. Gulliksen -- Factors affecting the impingement of fishes on power station cooling-water intake screens / T.E. Langford, N.J. Utting and R.H.A. Holmes -- Habitat selection and games theory / P.S. Meadows and J.I. Campbell -- In situ observations on the behaviour and biology of the tropical spider crab Stenorhynchus seticornis Herbst (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) / G. Schriever -- Learning in the starfish Marthasterias glacialis / T. Valentincic -- Environmental influences on growth and sex ratio in different eel populations (Anguilla anguilla L.) of Adriatic coasts / G. Colombo and R. Rossi -- Some aspects of fission in Allostichaster polyplax / R.H. Emson -- Environmental control of reproduction in the polychaetes Eulalia viridis and Harmothoe imbricata / P.R. Garwood and P.J.W. Olive -- Influence d'une temperature elevee sur le rythme de ponte et la fecondite des populations mediterraneenes de Scolelepis fuliginosa (Annelide: Polychete) en elevage au laboratoire / J-P. Guerin and J-P. Reys -- The effect of salinity and temperature on the post-larval growth of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii / R.G. Hartnoll -- The relationship of temperature and salinity to larval development in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis L.) / M. Hrs-Brenko -- Influence de la temperature sur la reproduction et la survie de quelques Nassariidae (Mollusca: Gasteropoda) / H. Masse, C. Nodot, and A-M. Mace -- Laboratory experiments on the spawning of Macoma balthica; its implication for production research / P.A.W.J. de Wilde and E.M. Berghuis.
Physiology and behaviour of marine organisms.
Marine animals-- Behavior, Congresses.
Marine biology, Congresses.
Class number
Book number
Berry, A. J.
McLusky, Donald Samuel.
European Marine Biology Symposium(12th :1977 :, Stirling, Scotland)