The Commonwealth and international library. Readings in sociology
Text of Note
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Text of Note
Ethnic, caste, and genetic miscegenation, by F. S. Hulse.--Race and belief: an open and shut case, by D. D. Stein, J. A. Hardyck, and M. B. Smith.--Colonialism and racism in Algeria (circa 1955), by J. Cohen.--Variations on Black and white, by R. Bastide and R. Raveau.--Color gradation and attitude among middle-income Negroes, by H. E. Freeman and others.--Ethnic differentiation: ecological aspects of a multidimensional concept, by A. G. Darroch and W. G. Marston.--Religion and urbanization in Africa, by L. Kuper.--Contrasts in the community organization of Chinese and Japanese in North America, by S. M. Lyman.--Racial integration in a transition community, by H. Molotch.--Stratification and ethnic groups, by S. Lieberson.--Distance mechanisms of stratification, by P. L. van den Berghe.--Patterns of occupational mobility among Negro men, by O. D. Duncan.--Race and class in Latin America, by O. Ianni