1.Social Networks: Towards General Models / Robert Stocker -- 1.1.Introduction -- 1.2.Social Networks -- 1.3.Social Networks Research -- 1.3.1.How Do We Know What We Know: The System of Knowledge? -- 1.3.2.How Do We Apply What We Know: The Processes and Procedures for Applying That Knowledge? -- 1.3.3.How Do We Interpret What We Know: The Tools and Technologies That Inform Our Application of the Knowledge? -- 1.3.4.Modelling -- 1.4.Sensory Experience -- 1.5.Towards a Model -- 1.6.Cognitive Structure -- 1.7.Cognitive Processing and Logical Levels -- 1.8.Language -- 1.9.Conclusion -- 2.On Graphs, Networks and Social Groups / Terry Bossomaier -- 2.1.Graphs and Networks -- 2.1.1.Basic Terms and Concepts -- 2.2.Representing Networks -- 2.2.1.Common Network Topologies -- -- -- -- 2.2.2.Measures of Network Properties -- 2.2.3.Markov Random Graphs -- 2.2.4.The Connectivity Avalanche --
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2.3.Networks and Complexity -- 2.3.1.The Network Basis -- 2.3.2.Network Processes -- 2.4.Simulating Social Networks -- 3.Language Networks / Terry Bossomaier -- 3.1.Introduction and Overview -- 3.2.A Network Perspective on Language -- 3.2.1.Language Families -- 3.2.2.The Language Glass -- 3.2.3.Perception of Colour -- 3.2.4.Numbers and Words -- 3.3.Large-Scale Semantic Networks -- 3.3.1.Semantic Relatedness -- 3.3.2.Latent Semantic Indexing -- 3.3.3.Thesauri and Wordnet -- analysis -- 3.3.4.Polysemy -- 3.3.5.Semantic Networks -- scaling -- 3.3.6.Phonological Scaling -- 3.4.Ontologies and Concept Mapping -- 3.4.1.Ontologies -- 3.4.2.Language Tools -- 3.5.Language Evolution -- 3.5.1.Language Competition -- 3.5.2.Cortical Scaling Across Species -- 3.5.3.The Social Brain -- 3.5.4.Categories in the Brain -- 3.5.5.Characteristics of Brain Networks -- 3.6.Envoi -- 4.Complexity and Human Society / Suzanne Sadedin --
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4.1.Introduction -- 4.2.Emergent Social Structure and Behaviour -- 4.2.1.Collective Behaviour -- 4.2.2.Social Networks -- 4.2.3.Network Evolution -- 4.2.4.Consensus and Cooperation in Social Networks -- 4.3.Mechanisms for Managing Social Complexity -- 4.3.1.Divide and Rule -- 4.3.2.Containing Extremes -- 4.4.Mechanisms of Unplanned Social Change -- 4.4.1.Failure of Models -- 4.4.2.Cascading Contexts -- 4.4.3.Positive Feedback -- 4.4.4.Changes in Network Connectivity -- 4.4.5.The Brittleness of "Divide and Rule" Strategies -- 4.5.Side Effects of New Technology -- 4.5.1.Labour-Saving Devices -- 4.5.2.Technology and Social Isolation -- 4.5.3.Information and Communications -- 4.6.Conclusion -- 5.Developing Agent-Based Models of Business Relations and Networks / Louise Young -- 5.1.Introduction -- 5.2.The Role of Simulation and Agent-Based Models -- 5.3.Agent-Based Models -- 5.4.Explaining Dynamics: Identifying and Modelling Causal Mechanisms --
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5.5.Mechanisms Driving Business Relations and Networks -- 5.5.1.Acting and Specializing -- 5.5.2.Mating -- 5.5.3.Dancing -- 5.5.4.Interconnecting Relations -- 5.5.5.Environmental Impacts -- 5.5.6.Discussion -- 5.6.Business Networks Agent-Based Modelling System -- 5.7.Conclusion -- 6.Agent-Based Modelling of Social Networks: Natural Resource Applications of Human/Landscape Interactions across Space and Time / Aaron Poe -- 6.1.Introduction -- 6.2.Social Networks Informing Natural Resource Management -- 6.3.Dichotomies in Communication/Language between Disparate Interacting Groups -- 6.4.The Level of Sustainable Activity Approach as a Formal Way to Capture Social Networks and Integrate into Agent-Based Models -- 6.5.Level of Sustainable Activity Linked to Agent-Based Spatial Simulations -- 6.6.Prince William Sound Case Study -- 6.7.Limits of Sustainable Activity Focus Groups to Understand Social Network of Recreation Users --
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6.8.Results from Applying the Level of Sustainable Use Workshops for Evaluating Management Scenarios -- 6.9.Level of Sustainable Activity: Recreational Motor Boats, Yacht and Sail Boats -- 6.10.Level of Sustainable Activity: Comparisons between Groups -- 6.11.Summary -- 6.12.Conclusion and Controversial Research Issues Identified and Future Research Directions -- 7.Social Media Networks and the "Unthinkable Present": A Users' Perspective / David Cameron -- 7.1.Introduction -- 7.2.Mapping Social Media: Verbs, Nouns and Collective Nouns -- 7.2.1.Blogs and Microblogs -- 7.2.2.Social Networks and Participatory Culture -- 7.2.3.Forums, Groups and Convergence -- 7.2.4.Public Privacy and Shopping -- 7.2.5.Wikis -- 7.2.6.Multimedia -- 7.2.7.Social Bookmarking -- 7.3.Tensions within a Networked Society -- 7.3.1.Freedom of Expression -- 7.3.2.Memes -- 7.3.3.Social Freedom -- 7.3.4.Privacy -- 7.3.5.The Future of Social and Cultural Networks --
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7.3.6.Immersion in Digital Cultural Networks -- 7.3.7.Gamers -- 7.3.8.Crowdsourcing -- 7.4.Conclusion