Relevance of heat transfer and heat exchangers for the development of sustainable energy systems / B. Sundén, L. Wang -- Advanced technologies for clean and efficient energy conversion in power systems / A. K. Gupta -- Virtual engineering and the design of power systems / D. S. McCorkle, K. M. Bryden -- Steam power plants / E. Khalil -- Enhancement of nuclear power plant safety by condensation-driven passive heat removal systems / K. Vierow -- Modern CFD application on aerothermal engineering aspects of natural draft cooling towers / D. Bohn, K. Kusterer -- Innovative gas turbine cooling techniques / R. S. Bunker -- Hot gas path heat transfer characteristics/active cooling of turbine components / T. Simon, J. Piggush -- Design and optimization of Turbo compressors / C. Xu, R. S. Amano -- Advances in understanding the flow in a centrifugal compressor impeller and improved design / A. Engeda -- Thermal engineering in hybrid car systems / K. Suga