1. Getting Additional Help -- 2. Installation Preparations -- 3. Installation Walk-Through -- 4. Post-Install Setup -- 5. The Boot Process -- 6. User Management -- 7. Root, and How to Avoid It -- 8. Disks and Filesystems -- 9. More Filesystems -- 10. Securing your System -- 11. Overview of TCP/IP -- 12. Connecting to the Network -- 13. Software Management -- 14. Everything/etc. -- 15. System Maintenance -- 16. Network Servers -- 17. Desktop OpenBSD -- 18. Kernel Configuration -- 19. Building Custom Kernels -- 20. Upgrading -- 21. Packet Filtering -- 22. Advanced PF -- 23. Customizing OpenBSD
Text of Note
OpenBSD, the elegant, highly secure Unix-like operating system, is widely used as the basis for critical DNS servers, routers, firewalls, and more. This long-awaited second edition of Absolute OpenBSD maintains author Michael Lucas's trademark straightforward and practical approach that readers have enjoyed for years. You'll learn the intricacies of the platform, the technical details behind certain design decisions, and best practices, with bits of humor sprinkled throughout. This edition has been completely updated for OpenBSD 5.3, including new coverage of OpenBSD's boot system, security fe