New strategies in drug discovery / Eliot H. Ohlstein ... [et al.] -- Basic microarray analysis : strategies for successful experiments / Scott A. Ness -- From microarray to biological networks : analysis of gene expression profiles / Xiwei Wu and T. Gregory Dewey -- Microarray analysis in drug discovery and clinical applications / Siqun Wang and Qiong Cheng -- Ontology-driven approaches to analyzing data in functional genomics / Francisco Azuje, Fatima Al-Shahrour, and Joaquin Dopazo -- Gene evolution and drug discovery / James O. McInerney ... [et al.] -- Standardization of microarray and pharmacogenomics data / Cassey S. Husser ... [et al.] -- Clinical applications of bioinformatics, genomics, and pharmacogenomics / Omer Iqbal --
Text of Note
Protein interactions probed with mass spectrometry / Suma Kaveti and John R. Engen -- Discovering new drug targeting sites on flexible multidomain protein kinases : -- Combining segmental isotopic and site-directed spin labeling for NMR dectection of interfacial clefts / Thomas K. Harris -- NMR-based screening methods for drug discovery / Laurel Sillerud and Richard S. Larson -- Receptor binding sites : bioinformatic approaches / Darren R. Flower -- In silico protein design : fitting sequence onto structure / Bassil I. Dahiyat -- Chemical database preparation for compound acquisition or virtual screening / Cristian G. Bolgna, Marius M. Olah, and Tudor I. Oprea -- Bioinformatics platform development : from gene to lead compound / Alexis S. Ivanov ... [et al.]