Classification of rocks and their abundances on the earth / Myron G. Best -- Sediments and soils : chemistry and abundances / Scott M. McLennan -- Acoustic velocity and attenuation in porous rocks / Kenneth W. Winkler and William F. Murphy III -- Shock wave data for rocks / Thomas J. Ahrens and Mary L. Johnson -- Pressure-volume-temperature properties of H₂O-CO₂ fluids / Teresa S. Bowers -- Experimental trace element partioning / John H. Jones -- Thermal conductivity of rocks and minerals / Christoph Clauser and Ernst Huenges -- Rock failure / David A. Lockner -- Rheology of rocks / Brian Evans and David L. Kohlstedt -- Phase equilibria of common rocks in the crust and mantle / Claude Herzberg -- Reflectance spectra / Roger N. Clark -- Magnetic properties of rocks and minerals / Christopher P. Hunt, Bruce M. Moskowitz and Subir K. Banerjee -- Mixture theories for rock properties / James G. Berryman