Amino acid and peptide transport systems / J.C. Matthews -- Measurement and significance of protein turnover / J.A. Rathmacher -- Inter-organ amino acid flux / C.J. Seal & D.S. Parker -- Phenethanolamine repartitioning agents / D.E. Moody & et al. -- Lipid metabolism / J.K. Drackley -- Glucose availability and associated metabolism / R.W. Russell & S.A. Gahr -- Aspects of cellular energetics / N.S. Jessop -- Trace elements dynamics / W.T. Buckley -- Use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy / J.B. Reeves III.
Text of Note
Gas production methods / P. Schofield -- In Sacco methods / P. Noziere & B. Michalet-Doreau -- Use of markers / J.P. Marais -- Methods for measuring ileal amino acid digestibility in pigs / W.C. Sauer & et al. -- Rapid metabolizable energy assays / J.M. McNab -- Physiological and metabolic aspects of feed intake control / J.M. Forbes -- Feed intake in ruminants: kinetic aspects / W.C. Ellis & et al. -- Feeding behaviour / R.J. Grant & J.L. Albright -- Anti-nutritional factors and mycotoxins / J.P.F. D'Mello -- Feed enzymes / D.I. Officer.