Ch. 0. Extended Introduction. 2. Basic examples of physical systems. 3. Infinite systems and the thermodynamic limit. 4. Expansion of Heisenberg dynamics. 5. Euclidean approach. 6. Corpuscular picture (quasiparticles and scattering theory for infinite quantum systems) -- Ch. 1. Construction of a Nonequilibrium Dynamics. 1. The dynamics of an infinite one-dimensional classical gas of interacting solid rods. 2. A quick review of C*-algebras. 3. Fock spaces and second-quantization operators. 4. The CAR algebra and its free dynamics. Dynamics of a system of interacting fermions. Analog of Robinson's theorem. 5. Linear dynamics for fermion and boson systems. 6. Random dynamics (stochastic Langevin equations). 7. Marginally closed Markov chains with local interaction -- Ch. 2. Construction of an Equilibrium Dynamics. 1. Ground and temperature states. 2. Ground state for an infinite system of harmonic oscillators. 3. A free quasistate. 4. Fock representation for the dynamics of free systems.
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Lineĭnye operatory v beskonechnochastichnykh sistemakh.