Introduction -- What is a robot anyway? -- Robot vocabularies -- RSVP : robot scenario visual planning -- Checking the actual capabilities of your robot -- A close look at sensors -- Programming the robot's sensors -- Programming motors and servos -- Getting started with autonomy : building your robot's softbot counterpart -- Robot SPACES -- An autonomous robot needs STORIES -- Putting it all together : how Midamba programmed his first autonomous robot -- Open source SARAA robots for all! -- Appendix: BURT's gotchas.
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This is the first complete beginner's guide to programming and automating modern robots. Drawing on their experience teaching thousands of robotics beginners, Cameron and Tracey Hughes show how to automate robots (or teams of robots), translating your ideas into specific tasks they can perform on their own, with no remote controls. 'The Beginner's Guide to Programming Robots' builds your skills through four simple projects created with today's leading robot microcontrollers (ARM9 and ARM7) on leading robot platforms (LEGO Mindstorms EV3, NXT, and Wowee RS Media Robot). Step by step, you'll learn how to use modern techniques to program robot sensors, motors, and more. Along the way, you'll learn skills you can use in hardware/Maker/DIY projects on any platform, including the wildly popular low-cost Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone platforms.