Includes bibliographical references (pages 405-445) and index
Text of Note
The magic and the science of sport expertise: introduction to sport expertise research and this volume / Janet L. Starkes -- Expert performance in sport: current prerspectives and cricital issues / Christopher M. Janelle and Charles H. Hillman -- Development of Elite Performance and deliberate practice: an update from the perspective of the expert performance approach / K. Anders Ericsson -- From play to practice; a developmental framework for the acquisition of expertise in team sports / Jean Cote, Joseph Baker, and Bruce Abernethy -- A search for deliberate practice: an examination of the practice environments in figure skating and volleyball ./ Janice M. Deakin and Stephen Cobley -- Tactics, the neglected attribute of expertise: problem representations and performance skills in tennis / Sue L. McPherson and Michael W. Kernodle -- Expertise in sport judges and referees: Circumventing information-processing limitations / Diane Ste-marie -- Expert athletes: an integrated approach to decision making / Gershon Tenenbaum -- Perceptual expertise: development in sport / A. Mark Williams and Paul ward -- Retaining expertise: what does it take for older expert athletes to continue to excel / Janet L. Starkes, Patricia L. Weir, and Bradley W. Young. -- Development of expertise: the role of coaching, families, and cultural contexts / John H. Salmela and Luiz Carlos Moraes -- Memory and expertise: what do experienced athletes remember? / Sian L. Beilock, Sarah a. Weirenga, and Thomas H. Carr -- Expert performance in sport; views from the joint perspectives of ecological psychology and dynamical systems theory / Peter J. Beek, David M. jacobs, Andreas Daffertshofer, and Raoul Huys -- Constraints and issues in the development of a general theory of expert perceptual motor performance: a critique of the deliberate practice framework / Bruce Abernethy, Damian Farrow, and Jason Berry -- How the expert performance approach differs from traditional approaches to expertise in sport: in search of a shared theoretical framework for studying expert performance / K. Anders Ericsson