1. Console thyself -- 2. Hello, Windows Forms -- 3. Essential structures -- 4. An exercise in text output -- 5. Lines, curves, and area fills -- 6. Tapping into the keyboard -- 7. Pages and transforms -- 8. Taming the mouse -- 9. Text and fonts -- 10. The timer and time -- 11. Images and bitmaps -- 12. Buttons and labels and scrolls (oh my!) -- 13. Béziers and other splines -- 14. Menus -- 15. Paths, regions, and clipping -- 16. Dialog boxes -- 17. Brushes and pens -- 18. Edit, list, and spin -- 19. Font fun -- 20. Toolbars and status bars -- 21. Printing -- 22. Tree view and list view -- 23. Metafiles -- 24. Clip, drag, and drop -- Appendices: -- A. Files and streams -- B. Math class -- C. String theory