Part I: The Polis and the Khora : Autochthony and the myth of origins ; Antigone and the Polis ; The reforms of Kleisthenes ; Plato's Law ; Aristotle's Politics ; Site and community -- From Urbis to Imperium : Caesar and the terrain of war ; Cicero and the Res publica ; The historians: Sallust, Livey, Tacitus ; Augustus and Imperium ; The Limes of the Imperium -- Part II: The fracturing of the west : Augustine's two cities ; Boethius and Isidore of Seville ; The barbarian tribes and national histories ; Land politics in Beowulf -- The reassertion of empire : The donation of Constantine ; The accession of Charlemagne ; Cartography from Rome to Jerusalem ; The limits of feudalism -- The pope's two swords : John of Salisbury and the body of the republic ; Two swords: spiritual and temporal power ; The rediscovery of Aristotle ; Thomas Aquinas and the Civitas -- Challenges to the papacy : Unam sanctum: Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair ; Dante: Commedia and Monarchia ; Marsilius of Padua and the rights of the city ; William of Ockham and the politics of poverty -- Part III: The rediscovery of Roman law : The labors of Justinian and the glossators ; Bartolus of Sassoferrato and the Territorium ; Baldus de Ubaldis and the CIvitas-Populus ; Rex Imperator in Regno Suo -- Renaissance and reconnaissance : Machiavelli and Lo Stato ; The politics of Reformation ; Bodin, République, sovereignty ; Botero and Ragione di Stato ; King Lear: "Interest of territory, cares of state" -- The extension of the state : The consolation of the Reformation ; The geometry of the political ; The divine right of kings: Hobbes, Filmer, and Locke ; "Master of a territory" -- Coda: Territory as a political technology