Biography: Nietzsche and the family / Graham Parkes ; Nietzsche and women / Julian Young ; Nietzsche's illness / Charlie Huenemann -- Historical relations: Nietzsche and the Greeks / Jessica N. Berry ; Nietzsche and Romanticism : Goethe, Holderlin, and Wagner / Adrian Del Caro ; Nietzsche the Kantian? / Tom Bailey ; Schopenhauer as Nietzsche's "great teacher" and "antipode" / Ivan Soll ; Influence on analytic philosophy / Simon Robertson and David Owen -- Principal works: The themes of affirmation and illusion in The birth of tragedy and beyond / Daniel Came ; 'Holding on to the sublime' : on Nietzsche's early 'unfashionable' project / Keith Ansell-Pearson ; The gay science / Christopher Janaway ; Zarathustra : 'that malicious Dionysian' / Gudrun von Tevenar ; Beyond good and evil / Maudemarie Clark and David Dudrick ; Nietzsche's Genealogy / Richard Schacht ; Nietzsche's Antichrist / Dylan Jaggard ; Beholding Nietzsche : Ecce homo, fate, and freedom / Christa Davis Acampora -- Values: Nietzsche's metaethical stance / Nadeem J.Z. Hussain ; Nietzsche and the arts of life / Aaron Ridley ; Nietzsche on autonomy / R. Lanier Anderson ; The overman / Randall Havas ; Order of rank / Robert Guay ; 'A promise made is a debt unpaid' : Nietzsche on the morality of commitment and the commitments of morality / Mare Migotti ; Will to power : does it lead to the "coldest of all cold monsters"? / Jacob Golomb -- Epistemology & metaphysics: Life's perspectives / Ken Gemes ; Nietzsche's naturalism reconsidered / Brian Leiter ; Nietzsche's philosophical aestheticism / Sebastian Gardner ; Being, becoming, and time in Nietzsche / Robin Small ; Eternal recurrence / Paul S. Loeb -- Developments of will to power: Nietzsche's metaphysical sketches : causality and will to power / Peter Poellner ; The psychology of Christian morality : will to power as will to nothingness / Bernard Reginster ; Nietzsche's philosophical psychology / Paul Katsafanas ; Nietzsche on life's ends / John Richardson
Text of Note
An international team of scholars offer a broad engagement with the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, discussing the main topics of his philosophy, under the headings: values, epistemology and metaphysics, and will to power. Other sections discuss his life, his relations to other philosophers, and his individual works