Differential Equations Theory, Numerics and Applications
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
Proceedings of the ICDE '96 held in Bandung Indonesia /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by E. Groesen, E. Soewono.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dordrecht :
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Imprint: Springer,
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Text of Note
Parametric Excitation in Mechanical Systems -- Generation and Suppression of Radiation by Solitary Pulses -- Buffeting Problems modelling by use of Lifting Surface Methods in Unsteady Aerodynamics with Separation -- The Influence of an External Force on a Solitary Wave -- An Asymptotic Method in Ship Hydrodynamics -- Non Classical Solitary Waves -- Mathematical Modelling of Tidal Motion in Regional Waters of Singapore -- Phase Portraits of Quadratic Systems -- Microwave Heating: Critical Dependence on Data and Parameters -- On the Convergence of Sampled Data Nonlinear System -- Nonlinear Galerkin Methods for Hamiltonian Systems; Comparison of Two Approximation Techniques -- On Internal Resonances For a Weakly Nonlinear Beam Equation -- Genus-two Solutions to the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation -- On the Formation of Hotspot in Microwave Heating -- Model Manifolds for Analysing Data of Wave Splitting -- Modelling of Sediment Transport and Bathymetric Change in Lemah Abang, Jepara Coastal Waters -- A Double Pendulum in a Wind Field -- Solution of the Affine Toda Equations as an Initial Value Problem -- Mathematical Modelling of Chlorine Decay in a Contact Tank -- The Dynamics of a Near-Grazing Oscillator -- Oscillation Criteria for Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equations -- Radiation and Diffraction of Sound from Bodies Mounted on an Infinite Baffle Using Boundary Element Methods -- A Differential Equation for Filtering of a Stochastic Dynamical System -- General Theory of Relativity Without Christoffel Symbols -- A Back-turning Jet Formed by a Uniform Shallow Stream Hitting a Vertical Wall -- A Fifth-order Five-stage RK-Method Based on Harmonic Mean.
Text of Note
The International Conference on Differential Equations, theor·y, nu merics and applications(ICDE'96-Bandung) was held successfully at the West Aula of Institut TeknoIogi Bandung on September 29 - October 2, 1996, hosted by the Center of Mathematics and the Department of Mathe matics ITB. This was the first international conference on differential equa tions in the region and attended by participants from 12 countries: Aus tralia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, France, IndonE'sia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippine, Thailand, Singapore, USA and Vietnam. We would like to express our gratitude to the following organizations and institution: Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia (through Center Grant Project), Institut Teknologi Bandung, UNESCO (through Participating Programme and ROSTSEA Programme), European Economic Community(through the Joint Research Project between the Faculty of Ap plied Mathematics, Universiteit Twente and the Department of Mathemat ics, Institut Teknologi Bandung), South East Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS), French Embassy in Jakarta and local sponsors for their generolls support which have made this conference possible.
International Standard Book Number
Springer eBooks
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the ICDE'96 held in Bandung, Indonesia