Quantum Gravity, Quantum Cosmology and Lorentzian Geometries
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
by Giampiero Esposito.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin, Heidelberg :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Imprint: Springer,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Series Title
Lecture Notes in Physics, New Series m: Monographs,
Volume Designation
ISSN of Series
0940-7677 ;
Text of Note
1. Quantum Gravity, Quantum Cosmology and Classical Gravity -- 2. Canonical Quantum Gravity -- 3. Perturbative Quantum Gravity -- 4. Global Boundary Conditions and ?(0) Value for the Massless Spin-1/2 Field -- 5. Choice of Boundary Conditions in One-Loop Quantum Cosmology -- 6. Ghost Fields and Gauge Modes in One-Loop Quantum Cosmology -- 7. Local Boundary Conditions for the Weyl Spinor -- 8. One-Loop Results for the Spin-1/2 Field with Local Boundary Conditions -- 9. Local Supersymmetry in Perturbative Quantum Cosmology -- 10. Lorentzian Geometry, U4 Theories and Singularities in Cosmology -- 11. Conclusions -- Problems for the Reader -- Appendices -- Appendix A: Two-Component Spinor Calculus and Its Applications -- Appendix B: The Generalized Zeta-Function -- Appendix C: Euler-Maclaurin Formula and Free Part of the Heat Kernel for the Spin-3/2 Field -- Appendix D: Complex Manifolds -- Appendix E: Lorentzian ADM Formulae for the Curvature -- Appendix F: ?(0) Calculations -- References.
Text of Note
The first aim of this book is to describe recent work on the problem of boundary conditions in one-loop quantum cosmology. The motivation is to understand whether supersymmetric theories are one-loop finite in the presence of boundaries. The second aim of the book is to present a recent, entirely new study of the singularity problem for space-times with torsion. The book is written in self-con- tained form. In many cases problems have been initially formulated in the simplest possible way, and finally presented and solved at increasing levels of complexity. Readerswill find here a detailed and updated study of quantum cosmology, its motivation, and application to perturbative quantum gravity. Moreover, this is the first book which enables the reader to learn techniques used in classical gravity and quantum cosmology.