1. Introduction -- 2. Light and Matter -- 3. Interaction Mechanisms -- 4. Medical Applications of Lasers -- 5. Laser Safety -- A. Appendix -- A.1 Medical Neodymium Laser System -- A.2 Physical Constants and Parameters -- References -- About the Author.
Text of Note
This book provides a thorough description of the fundamentals and applications in this field. Basic concepts such as the optical and thermal properties of tissue, the various types of tissue ablation, and optical breakdown and its related effects are treated in detail. Special attention is given to mathematical tools (Monte Carlo simulations, the Kubelka--Munk theory etc.) and approved techniques (photodynamic therapy, laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy etc.). The part on applications reviews clinically relevant methods in modern medicine using the latest references. The last chapter covers today's standards of laser safety, with a careful selection of essential guidelines published by the Laser Institute of America. Numerous research photographs, illustrations, tables and comprehensive summaries make this book a useful guide for graduate students, scientists, and medical practitioners.