A Practical Guide to Physico-Chemical, Chemical and Microbiological Water Examination and Quality Assurance /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Wilhelm Fresenius, Karl Ernst Quentin, Wilhelm Schneider.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
XXVI, 804 p. :
Other Physical Details
online resource.
Text of Note
1 Introduction, Sampling, Local Testing, etc. -- 1.1 General -- 1.2 Local inspection and sampling of water -- 1.3 Techniques of water sampling -- 1.4 Water sampling in practice -- 1.5 Special instructions for sampling water of various origins and for various investigation purposes -- 1.6 Local investigations (see also 1.7) -- 1.7 Local analyses (see also 1.6) -- 2 Theoretical Introduction to Selected Methods of Water Analysis (Classic and Instrumental Methods) -- 2.1 Concentration processes such as evaporation, distillation, precipitation, coprecipitation, adsorption, ion exchange and extraction -- 2.2 Electrochemical processes of analysis -- 2.3 Spectrophotometry (or photometry) -- 2.4 Flame-emission spectrophotometry (FES) -- 2.5 Emission spectrum analysis -- 2.6 X-ray Fluorescence Analysis -- 2.7 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) -- 2.8 Atomic Emission Spectrometry with Inductively Coupled Plasma Excitation (ICP-AES) -- 2.9 Fluorescence Spectrometry -- 2.10 Infrared Spectroscopy -- 2.11 Chromatographic methods -- 2.12 Introduction to gas chromatography -- 2.13 Gas-chromatographic headspace analysis (cf. also Chapter 4) -- 2.14 High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) -- 2.15 Ion chromatography -- 2.16 Radiochemical analysis of water samples (Introduction) -- 2.17 Enzymatic Analysis -- 3 Inorganic Parameters -- 3.1 Total parameters -- 3.2 Anions -- 3.3 Cations -- 3.4 Trace substances (inorganic) (For ICP-AES determination of 24 elements see Section 3.3.12) -- 3.5 Undissociated substances (for H2S see also Sections 3.1 and 3.6) -- 3.6 Gaseous Substances -- 3.7 Radioactivity measurements in water (see also Chapter 2) -- 4 Organic Parameters -- 4.1 Overall organic parameters -- 4.2 Organic compounds -- 5 Biological Analysis -- 5.1 Significance of biological and ecological investigations when evaluating the quality of flowing water -- 5.2 Microbiological water analysis -- 5.3 Biological toxicity tests -- 6 Evaluation of Analysis Data -- 6.1 Introduction to statistical evaluation -- 6.2 Applications of statistical methods in water analysis -- 6.3 Quality control -- 6.4 Data evaluation -- 6.5 Time-series analyses -- 6.6 Technical advice -- 6.7 Assessment of water analysis findings -- 7 Subject Index.
Text of Note
1977 saw the publication of "A Collection of Methods for Water Analysis", a three-volume work in ring-binder form compiled by W. Fresenius and W. Schneider for the GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fUr Technische Zusammenarbeit), 6236 Eschborn 1, FRG. This publication was geared to the needs of a project in Algeria. More recently, the editors were requested by the GTZ to produce, on the basis of the previous collection of the water analysis methods, which was published in French, an updated and revised version to be used in different partner countries and for publication in 1985/86. This was not only to take account of advances in water analysis and instrumental techniques, but also to include simple methods of analysis for use in the field, and methods suitable for use in laboratories with relatively unsophisticated equipment. The approach envisaged by the GTZ was to divide up information on water, water supplies and water analysis into three broad groups, namely: 1. Simple modules on the physics and chemistry of water, water hygiene and water analysis capable of being understood and applied in practice by the layman using suitable chemi\U+00ad\ cals and equipment (W. Schneider). 2. Information to supplement work by Rump-Krist, also commissioned by the GTZ, on water analysis methods which could be used in laboratories with simple equipment, particularly in the Third World (Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, FRG, 1986).
International Standard Book Number
Springer eBooks
Parallel Title
Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn, FRG
Adaptation (Biology)
Chemistry, Analytic.
Chemistry, Analytic.
Environmental toxicology.
Environmental toxicology.
Food-- Biotechnology.
Nature and nurture.
Water-- Pollution.
Food Science.
Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution.