Locally integrable dynamical systems -- Conservative dynamical systems -- Dynamical systems in a plane -- Conservative systems with many degrees of freedom -- Resonant solutions for systems integrable in generating approximation -- Canonical averaging of the equations of quantum mechanics -- The problem of weak interaction of dynamical objects -- Synchronisation of anisochronous objects with a single degree of freedom -- Synchronisation of inertial vibration exciters -- Synchronisation of dynamical objects of the general type -- Periodic solutions in problems of excitation of mechanical oscillations.
Text of Note
This book presents a rational scheme of analysis for the periodic and quasi-periodic solution of a broad class of problems within technical and celestial mechanics. It develops steps for the determination of sufficiently general averaged equations of motion, which have a clear physical interpretation and are valid for a broad class of weak-interaction problems in mechanics. The criteria of stability regarding stationary solutions of these equations are derived explicitly and correspond to the extremum of a special "potential" function. Much consideration is given to applications in vibrational technology, electrical engineering and quantum mechanics, and a number of results are presented that are immediately useful in engineering practice. The book is intended for mechanical engineers, physicists, as well as applied mathematicians specializing in the field of ordinary differential equations.