1 Introduction -- 2 Magnetic Properties of Type-I Superconductors -- 3 Ginzburg-Landau Theory -- 4 Magnetic Properties of Type-II Superconductors -- 5 Thin Films -- 6 Experimental Techniques -- 7 Lorentz Force and Flux Motion -- 8 Special Experiments -- 9 Thermal Force and Flux Motion -- 10 Time-Dependent Theories -- 11 Flux Pinning -- 12 Flux Creep and Flux Jumps -- 13 Electrical Noise Power -- 14 Current-Induced Resistive State -- 15 High-Temperature Superconductors: Summary of Recent Developments -- List of Symbols -- References.
Text of Note
The discovery of high-temperature superconductors in 1986 by Bednorz and Müller led worldwide to a rapid growth of the field of superconductivity. This new interest extends to both the fundamental aspects and the technological appli- cations of superconductors. The monograph "Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors" provided an introduction to this field, covering the developments up to its first publication in 1979. Soon after 1986 the book went out of print. However, it continues to be widely used and quoted, and due to the ever growing interest in "Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors", a second edition is now being made available. An extensive new chapter gives a comprehensive review of developments relevant to high-temperature superconductors. This new edition provides researchers, engineers and other scientists with an intro- duction to this field; it will also be useful as supplementary reading for graduate courses in low-temperature physics.