Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Michael Drmota, Philippe Flajolet, Danièle Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Basel :
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Imprint: Birkhäuser,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Series Title
Trends in Mathematics
Text of Note
I. Combinatorics and Random Structures -- Common Intervals of Permutations -- Overpartitions and Generating Functions for Generalized Frobenius Partitions -- Enumerative Results on Integer Partitions Using the ECO Method -- 321-Avoiding Permutations and Chebyshev Polynomials -- Iterated Logarithm Laws and the Cycle Lengths of a Random Permutation -- Transcendence of Generating Functions of Walks on the Slit Plane -- Some Curious Extensions of the Classical Beta Integral Evaluation -- Divisor Functions and Pentagonal Numbers -- II. Graph Theory -- On Combinatorial Hoeffding Decomposition and Asymptotic Normality of Subgraph Count Statistics -- Avalanche Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs -- Perfect Matchings in Random Graphs with Prescribed Minimal Degree -- Estimating the Growth Constant of Labelled Planar Graphs -- The Number of Spanning Trees in P4-Reducible Graphs -- III. Analysis of Algorithms -- On the Stationary Search Cost for the Move-to-Root Rule with Random Weights -- Average-Case Analysis for the Probabilistic Bin Packing Problem -- Distribution of Wht Recurrences -- Probabilistic Analysis for Randomized Game Tree Evaluation -- Polynomial Time Perfect Sampling Algorithm for Two-Rowed Contingency Tables -- An Efficient Generic Algorithm for the Generation of Unlabelled Cycles -- Using Tries for Universal Data Compression -- IV. Trees -- New Strahler Numbers for Rooted Plane Trees -- An Average-Case Analysis of Basic Parameters of the Suffix Tree -- Arms and Feet Nodes Level Polynomial in Binary Search Trees -- Random Records and Cuttings in Complete Binary Trees -- Multidimensional Interval Trees -- Edit Distance between Unlabelled Ordered Trees -- Number of Vertices of a Given Outdegree in a Galton-Watson Forest -- Destruction of Recursive Trees -- V. Probability -- Restrictions on the Position of the Maximum/Minimum in a Geometrically Distributed Sample -- Dual Random Fragmentation and Coagulation and an Application to the Genealogy of Yule Processes -- Semi-Markov Walks in Queueing and Risk Theory -- Representation of Fixed Points of a Smoothing Transformation -- Stochastic Fixed Points for the Maximum -- The Number of Descents in Samples of Geometric Random Variables -- Large Deviations for Cascades and Cascades of Large Deviations -- Partitioning with Piecewise Constant Eigenvectors -- Yaglom Type Limit Theorem for Branching Processes in Random Environment -- Two-Dimensional Limit Theorem for a Critical Catalytic Branching Random Walk -- VI. Combinatorial Stochastic Processes -- A Combinatorial Approach to Jumping Particles II: General Boundary Conditions -- Stochastic Deformations of Sample Paths of Random Walks and Exclusion Models -- A Markov Chain Algorithm for Eulerian Orientations of Planar Triangular Graphs -- Regenerative Composition Structures: Characterisation and Asymptotics of Block Counts -- Random Walks on Groups With a Tree-Like Cayley Graph -- Nested Regenerative Sets and Their Associated Fragmentation Process -- VII. Applications -- Real Numbers with Bounded Digit Averages -- Large Deviation Analysis of Space-Time Trellis Codes -- A Zero-One Law for First-Order Logic on Random Images -- Coarse and Sharp Transitions for Random Generalized Satisfyability Problems -- Stochastic Chemical Kinetics with Energy Parameters -- Large Deviations of Bellinger Distance on Partitions -- Estimation of the Offspring Mean for a General Class of Size-Dependent Branching Processes. Application to Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction -- A Constrained Version of Sauer's Lemma -- Author Index.
Text of Note
These are the Proceedings of the International Colloquium of Mathematics and Computer Science held at the Vienna University of Technology, September 13-17, 2004. This colloquium is the third one in a now regularly established series following the first two venues in September 2000 and September 2002 in Ver sailles. The present issue is centered around Combinatorics and Random Struc tures, Graph Theory, Analysis of Algorithms, Trees, Probability, Combinatorial Stochastic Processes, and Applications. It contains invited papers, contributed papers (lectures) and short communications (posters). The contributions have been carefully reviewed for their scientific quality and originality by the Scientific Committee chaired by Michael Drmota (Vienna Uni versity of Technology, Austria) and composed of Brigitte Chauvin (Universite de Versailles, France), Luc Devroye (McGill University, Canada), Daniele Gardy (Uni versite de Versailles, France), Philippe Flajolet (INRIA Rocquencourt, France), Michal Karonski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland), Abdelkader Mokkadem (Universite de Versailles, France), Helmut Prodinger (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa), J. Michael Steele (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA), Brigitte Vallee (Universite de Caen, France). We thank them and all anonymous referees for their impressive work.