The Diamond Anniversary History Volume of the American Meteorological Society /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by James Rodger Fleming.
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XVIII, 617 p. :
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online resource.
Text of Note
Chapter 1.-The evolution of dynamic meteorology / Edward N. Lorenz Chapter 2.-The origin and rise of numerical weather prediction / George P. Cressman Chapter 3.-The evolution of atmospheric measurement systems / Robert J. Serafin Chapter 4.-A short history of radar meteorology / R.R. Rogers and P.L. Smith Chapter 5.-Evolution of satellite observations in the United States and their use in meteorology / James F.W. Purdom and W. Paul Menzel Chapter 5.-A history of calculating aids in meteorology / Frederik Nebeker Chapter 6 -- Formation of rain: a historical perspective / Roscoe R. Braham Jr. Chapter 7.-A history of research in cloud dynamics and microphysics / Harold D. Orville Chapter 8.-A history of hurricane forecasting for the Atlantic Basin, 1920-1995 / Mark DeMaria Chapter 9.-Severe convective storms: a brief history of science and practice / Kenneth C. Crawford and Edwin Kessler Chapter 10.-75 years of research on the physics of a lightning discharge / E. Philip Krider Chapter 11.-Steps in the evolution of climatology: from descriptive to analytic / John E. Kutzbach Chapter 12.-Applied climatology: a glorious past, an uncertain future / Stanley A. Changnon Chapter 13.-Hydrology in the Twentieth Century / Edwin T. Engman Chapter 14.-A history of private sector meteorology / David B. Spiegler Chapter 15.-A history of aeronautical meteorology: personal perspectives, 1903-1995 / Gordon D. Cartwright and Charles H. Sprinkle Chapter 16.-The American Meteorological Society and the development of broadcast meteorology / Roy Leep Chapter 17.-From geo- to physical science: meteorology and the American university, 1919-1945 / William A. Koelsch Chapter 18 -- Meteorology education in the United States after 1945 / David D. Houghton Chapter 19.-Historical writing on meteorology: an annotated bibliography / James R. Fleming and Simone L. Kaplan Chapter 20.-Historical photo gallery / Julie A. Burba.
Text of Note
On the occasion of its 75th anniversary, the American Meteorological Society engaged a number of eminent pioneers and leading practitioners to write about the fields they helped develop. They were joined by several professional historians of science and technology. The resulting essays constitute a substantial sampling of what has been learned since 1919 in the atmospheric sciences and services\U+2014\in research, in education, and in the private sector. This volume will be of interest to weather professionals and enthusiasts, historians of science, and to students of science and history. It will help us calibrate where we are, where we have been, and where we might be going as a discipline. Hopefully it will inspire others to value the past and to dig into it more deeply. Such attention to history is a necessary step in the maturation of a scientific discipline.