NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series, Series B. Physics,
Volume Designation
ISSN of Series
0258-1221 ;
Text of Note
Different Hard Processes in QCD -- Scaling Violations Beyond the Leading Order -- Picture of QCD Jets: Leading Log Approximation and Beyond It -- The Photon Structure Function -- Higher Order QCD Corrections in e+e? Annihilation into Hadrons -- Infrared Sensitive Quantities and the Structure of Final States in QCD -- Hunting for Higher Twists - A Precaution -- Weak Decays and the Bound State Structure of Hadrons -- Heavy Higgs Bosons -- Computer Algebra -- Muon-Nucleon Scattering, QCD Related Experimental Results -- Inclusive Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering by Charged Currents -- Classical Solutions in Gauge Theories - Spherically Symmetric Monopoles - Lax Pairs and Toda Lattices -- Classical Solutions in Field Theory -- Generalized Non-Linear Sigma Models -- Monte Carlo Computations for Lattice Gauge Theories with Finite Gauge Groups -- Infrared Singularities Caused by Gauge Fixing -- Chiral Dynamics for Colour and Technicolour QCD Like Theories at Large N -- Semiclassical Non-Perturbative Effects in Quantum Field Theories -- Supergravity and Phenomenology -- List of Participants.
Text of Note
This volume contains the contributions to the INTERNATIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTE ON THEORETICAL PHYSICS 1980 held from September 1st to September 12th in Bad Honnef, Germany. This Institute was organized by Wuppertal University. It was the eleventh in a series of Summer Schools on particle physics carried out by German Universities. The Institute was aimed to review the present status of gauge theories in elementary particle physics, with emphasis both on the phenomenological and formal aspects. The first part of the volume covers the recent progress in the development of perturbative methods both in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and flavor dynamics (QFD). Applications to available data from electron positron storage rings and deep inelastic scattering are discussed. The second part presents new results on classical solutions and non-perturbative methods in gauge theories and related field theories like non linear a-models. A very topical account is given on the application of Monte Carlo methods within lattice gauge theories. At present these methods appear to be the most promising technique to establish the quark confinement hypothesis within the framework of non-Abelian gauge theories. The volume is closed with a progress report on the present understanding of sup~rgravity and its relation to grand unification schemes. The lectures on Grand Unified Theories given by Dr. D. V. Nanopoulos at the Bad Honnef meeting can be found in the proceedings of the 1980 Rencontre de Moriond (Ed. J. Tran Thanh Van).