edited by Paul Patrick Gordon Bateson, Peter H. Klopfer.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Boston, MA :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Imprint: Springer,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Series Title
Perspectives in Ethology,
Volume Designation
ISSN of Series
0738-4394 ;
Text of Note
1 The Genetics of Social Behavior -- I. Introduction -- II. The Genetic Roulette Wheel -- III. The Tender Trap of Adaptation -- IV. The Problem of Homogeneity -- V. Nonrandom Sampling of Restricted Gene Pools -- VI. The Evolutionary Advantages of Social Behavior -- VII. Acknowledgments -- VIII. References -- 2 The Ecological Significance of Behavioral Dominance -- I. Introduction -- II. Historical Considerations -- III. Behavioral Dominance as a Natural Regulatory System -- IV. The Dominance-Dispersal Model -- V. Supportive Data and Discussion -- VI. Summary -- VII. Acknowledgments -- VIII. References -- 3 How Does Behavior Develop? -- I. Abstract -- II. Introduction -- III. Discontinuities in Development -- IV. Explanations for Discontinuities -- V. Conclusion -- VI. Acknowledgments -- VII. References -- 4 Continuity and Stage in Human Development -- I. The Meanings of Continuity -- II. Continuity in Stage Theory -- III. The Historical Bases for Faith in Continuity -- IV. Evidence for Continuity in Human Development -- V. Acknowledgments -- VI. References -- 5 Feeding Behavior of Lemur Catta in Different Habitats -- I. Introduction -- II. Description of the Habitat -- III. Lemur Behavior -- IV. Discussion -- V. Acknowledgments -- VI. References -- 6 Status and Hierarchy in Nonhuman Primate Societies -- I. Definitions -- II. A Straw-Man Theory -- III. Triadic Processes-One Alternative -- IV. Is Dominance Natural? -- V. Dominance or Subordinance? -- VI. Stress, Status, and Learning -- VII. Questions of Function -- VIII. Hierarchy Formation and Mathematics -- IX. Summary -- X. Acknowledgments -- XI. References -- 7 Hidden Regulatory Processes in Early Social Relationships -- I. Abstract -- II. Introduction -- III. Olfactory Processes Regulating the Mother-Infant Interaction -- IV. Regulation of the Infants' Autonomic Function by the Mothers' Milk -- V. Infant Behavioral Arousal -- VI. Regulation of Rhythmic Functions of the Infant -- VII. Implications for Infant Development -- VIII. References -- 8 Social Behavior on Islands -- I. Introduction -- II. Behaving in the Caribbean -- III. Island Influences on Biota -- IV. Behavioral Traits of Colonizers -- V. The Effect of Wide Niches on Behavior -- VI. Aggression on Islands -- VII. The Behavioral Effects of Increased Numbers on Islands -- VIII. The Relative Social Effects of Competition and Predation on Islands -- IX. Multiple Invasions, Populations, and Niche Size -- X. Shallow Island Niches -- XI. Behavioral Correlates of Niche Broadening -- XII. Summary -- XIII. References -- 9 On Predation, Competition, and the Advantages of Group Living -- I. Abstract -- II. Introduction -- III. The Major Selective Forces -- IV. Predation and Resource Competition: Influences of Environment, Individuals, and Species -- V. Predation and Resource Competition: Their Combined Action -- VI. Discussion and Conclusions -- VII. Acknowledgments -- VIII. Appendix-Glossary of Terms -- IX. References -- 10 Is History a Consequence of Evolution? -- I. Abstract -- II. Introduction -- III. Causality in Evolution and History -- IV. Evolution Considered as an Existential Game -- V. The Peculiar Evolutionary Strategy of Man -- VI. Residual Evolutionary Problems -- VII. Acknowledgments -- VIII. References.