I. Growth from Vapor -- High-Temperature Chemical Transport: Experimental Methods and Fundamental Aspects of Crystal Growth -- Chemical Crystallization of Diamond -- Crystal Growth from Melts in Combination with Partial Chemical Transport -- Growth of Tungsten Single Crystals from the Vapor State by Chemical Transport Reaction -- Growth of Gallium Phosphide Whiskers -- Growth and Transformation of SiC Whiskers -- Growth of Silicon Carbide Whiskers -- The Influence of Annealing on Thin Films of ?-SiC -- A Unique High-Temperature, High-Pressure Crystal Growth System for Silicon Carbide -- Formation and Growth of SiC in Carbon Ion Bombardment of Silicon -- II. Growth from Solution and Hydrothermal Synthesis -- The Growth Mechanism of Synthetic Quartz -- Chemical Crystallography and Hydrothermal Synthesis of Silicates and Germanates: The Genetic Relationship between Ca and TR Silicates -- Crystallization in Complex Silicate and Germanate Systems -- Crystallization of Manganese Silicates in the Na2O-MnO-SiO2-H2O System with MnO/SiO2 > 1 -- Adsorption in Solution of Cadmium Ions on {100} and {111} of NaCl -- Fluctuations and Anomalous Temperature Dependence in the Growth Rates of KAl(SO4)2 · 12H2O and KNO3 -- Fluctuations in Crystal Shape -- Layers of Foreign Structure on a Growing Sphalerite Crystal -- Gel Growth of Lead Sulfate Single Crystals -- Theory of Diffusion Methods of Growing Crystals -- Effects of Growth Conditions on the Structure and Shape of KDP Crystals -- Trends in Crystal Splitting during Growth -- III. Growth from Solution in Melts -- Recent Development in Crystal Growth from High-Temperature Solutions -- The Peak in the Fusibility Curve for Sr1?xGdxF2+x Solid Solutions -- Crystallization of Phlogopite KMg3[AlSi3O10]F2 from Melts -- Growth of Single Crystals of Solid Solutions with the Sillenite Structure -- Epitaxial Growth of ZnSnAs2 and ZnSnP2 Films -- Shape Changes in Growing Diamonds -- Crystallization Conditions for Various Crystallographic Forms of Diamond -- IV. Growth from Melts -- Synthesis of Optical-Grade Refractory Crystals -- Production of Perfect Corundum Single Crystals -- Advances in the Production of Oxide Crystals -- Production and Examination of Barium-Sodium Niobate Single Crystals. Part 1 -- Production and Examination of Barium-Sodium Niobate Single Crystals. Part 2 -- Czochralski Growth of Single Crystals Using High-Pressure Techniques -- Growth, Activation, and Optical Characteristics of Calcium and Lead Fluorophosphate and Fluorovanadate Single Crystals -- Automatic Crystal Growth: Measurement of Some Important Growth Parameters -- Banding in Co-8 at.% Fe Crystals -- Production of Profiled Germanium Single Crystals by Stepanov's Method -- Crystallization of SnSb -- V. Imperfections and Crystal Growth -- Production of Perfect Semiconductor Single Crystals by Crystallization from Melts -- X-Ray Diffraction Topography of Growth Defects in Crystals -- Origin of the Dislocation Structure in an Alkali Halide Single Crystal Grown from the Melt -- Thermoelastic Stresses and Dislocation Structures of Semiconductor Crystals Grown by Czochralski's Method -- Studies of Dendrites Grown Utilizing Intersecting Twin Planes -- Lonsdaleite Inclusions as a Possible Cause of Yellow-Green Fluorescence in Diamonds -- X-Ray Diffraction Topography of Dislocation Structures and Block Boundaries in Tungsten Single Crystals -- Growth Conditions, Structure, and Magnetic Parameters of Ticonal Single Crystals -- Structures of Thin Films of Rare-Earth Metals -- VI. Growth in Electric and Magnetic Fields -- Effects of Static Magnetic Fields and Alternating Electromagnetic Fields on Crystallization from Aqueous Solution -- Field-Induced Instability in a Planar Crystallization Front in Amorphous Selenium -- Crystallization-Condition Effects on the Antimony Sulfide Distribution in an SbSI Crystal -- The Effects of Electric Fields on the Epitaxial Growth of Gallium Arsenide -- Effects of an Electric Field during Growth on the Parameters of Bi and PbS Single-Crystal Films.
Text of Note
Volumes 11 and 12 contain the papers read at the Fourth All-Union Conference on Crystal Growth in Tsakhkadzor, September 17-22, 1972; this volume contains papers on crystal growth from melts, from low-temperature solutions, hydrothermal solutions, and hot solutions, and also from the gas state, including processes involving reactions. In addition, there are papers on crystal perfection in relation to conditions of formation and the effects of electric and mag netic fields on crystallization. These papers reflect researches directed to the development and industrial production of perfect crystals required for advanced techniques in solid-state physics and chemistry, as well as for other purposes such as novel materials. There are many different scientific and technical problems in producing large perfect single crystals, and advances in this area made in the USSR and elsewhere are reflected in the papers in both volumes. On the one hand, any particular defective structure in a crystal originates from some mechanism and growth conditions; in particular, inclusions are trapped on account of the physicochemical parameters of the melt, the surface processes, and the sta bility of the growth front under particular crystallization conditions. Further, impurity trap ping is decisively influenced by the surface kinetics, growth-front stability, composition and structure of the boundary layer, any complexes present in the liquid, and (of course) the crys tallochemical relationships between the impurity and the crystal.