Classical vs. Quantum Groups as Symmetries of Quantized Systems -- Algebraic Model of an Oblate Top -- The Mass-Squared Operator and the Einstein-Hilbert Action for Rescaled Lorentz Metrics -- Multichannel Dynamic Symmetry -- Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, Subsingular Vectors and Conditionally Invariant (q-Deformed) Equations -- On a Path to Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics -- Quantum Mechanical Problems with q-Deformations and over the p-Adic Number Fields -- A Symmetry Adapted Algebraic Approach to Molecular Spectroscopy -- Dyson Boson-Fermion Realization of Lie (Super)Algebras -- Formal Languages for Quasicrystals -- On Quadratic and Nonquadratic Forms: Application to R2m ? R2m-n Nonbijective Transformations -- Quantization of Systems with Constraints -- Automorphisms and Discrete Fiber Bundles -- Algebraic Approach to Baryon Structure -- Discrete Reflection Groups and Induced Representations of Poincaré Group on the Lattice -- Quantum Mechanics and Classical Probability Theory -- Supermultiplet Formulation of the Dirac Oscillator of Arbitrary Spin -- Construction of Schrödinger- and q-Schrödinger Invariant Differential Operators -- Automorphisms of Free Groups and Universal Coxeter Groups -- Generalized Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinear Gauge Transformations -- A Solution of an Extended Hartree-Bogoliubov Equation on the Coset Space SO(2N+2)/U(N+1) for Unified Description of Bose and Fermi Type Collective Excitations -- Quantum Space-Time Groups and Beyond -- Quantum Mechanics on the Torus, Klein Bottle and Projective Sphere -- Application of the Supersymmetric Model to Exotic Oxygen Nuclei -- q-Quantum Mechanics on S1 -- List of Participants -- Contributors.
Text of Note
The international Symposium "Symmetries in Science IX" was held at the Col Mehrerau in Bregenz, Austria, during the period August 6-10, 1996. Some 40 legium invited scientists from 13 countries participated in the meeting. The Symposium was sponsored by Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, the Land Vorarlberg, Austria, and the Landeshauptstadt Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria. I wish to thank Chancellor Emeritus John C. Guyon of Southern Illinois Univer sity at Carbondale, Dr. Hubert Regner of the Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung, and Biirgermeister and Landtagspriisident Dipl.-Vw. Siegfried Gasser for financial as sistence for the meeting and Frater Albin Printschler of the Cloister Mehrerau for his continued support of the Symposium series. Bruno Gruber v CONTENTS Classical vs. Quantum Groups as Symmetries of Quantized Systems 1 M. Arik and C. Vnel Algebraic Model of an Oblate Top 9 R. Bijker and A. Leviatan The Mass-Squared Operator and the Einstein-Hilbert Action for Rescaled Lorentz Metrics ..................... 25 E. Binz and P. Oellers Multichannel Dynamic Symmetry 37 J. Cseh Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, Subsingular Vectors and Conditionally Invariant (q-Deformed) Equations ........... . 47 V. K. Dobrev On a Path to Nonlinear QuantuIll Mechanics 81 H.-D. Doebner and J.-D. Hennig Quantum Mechanical Problems with q-Deformations and over the p-Adic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 .
International Standard Book Number
Springer eBooks
Parallel Title
Proceedings of a symposium held in Bregenz, Austria, August 6-10, 1996