edited by Toshiki Tajima, Kunioki Mima, Hector Baldis.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Boston, MA :
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Imprint: Springer,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
Fast Ignitor and High Field Science -- 1. Fast Ignition and Related Plasma Physics -- 2. Pulse Expansion and Soliton-Like Propagation of Ultrahigh intense Short Pulse Laser -- Dense Plasmas -- 3. Equation of State Measurements at Extreme Pressures Using Laser-Driven Shocks -- 4. Dusty Plasmas and Coulomb Crystals -- Laser-Matter Interaction -- 5. Experimental Indentification of 'Vacuum Heating' at Femtosecond-Laser- Irradiated Metal Surfaces -- 6. Second-Harmonic Generation and Non-Resonant Absorption in Sub-Picosecond Laser-Solid Interactions -- 7. Strong Coupling Between Clusters and Radiation -- X-RAYS -- 8. Nonlinear Vacuum electron-Photon Interactions at Relativistic Intensities -- 9. Experimental Observation of Nonlinear Thomson Scattering -- Photonic Acceleration and High Energy Phenomena -- 10. Ultrashort Electron Bunches from Laser- Plasma Accelerators -- 11. High Energy Electrons, Positrons, and Photonuclear Reactions in Petawatt Laser-Solid Experiments -- 12. Pair Production by Strong Laser Field in High Density Plasmas -- 13. Relativistic Lasers and High Energy Astrophysics: Gamma Ray Bursts and Highest Energy Acceleration -- Author Index.
Text of Note
High Field Science is a proceedings volume from a meeting at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and contains papers from the top experts in the fields of ultraintense laser technology, laser fusion energy, high energy laser electron acceleration, bright X-ray sources by lasers, laboratory laser astrophysics, and applications to relativity, high density and high energy physics.