Integrable Models and Beyond In Honor of Barry M. McCoy /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Masaki Kashiwara, Tetsuji Miwa.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Boston, MA :
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Imprint: Birkhäuser,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Series Title
Progress in Mathematical Physics ;
Volume Designation
Text of Note
Wavevector-Dependent Susceptibility in Aperiodic Planar Ising Models -- Correlation Functions and Susceptibility in the Z-Invariant Ising Model -- A Rapidity-Independent Parameter in the Star-Triangle Relation -- Evaluation of Integrals Representing Correlations in the XXX Heisenberg Spin Chain -- A Note on Quotients of the Onsager Algebra -- Evaluation Parameters and Bethe Roots for the Six-Vertex Model at Roots of Unity -- Normalization Factors, Reflection Amplitudes and Integrable Systems -- Vertex Operator Algebra Arising from the Minimal Series M(3, p)and Monomial Basis -- Paths, Crystals and Fermionic Formulae -- The Nonlinear Steepest Descent Approach to the Asymptotics of the Second Painlevé Transcendent in the Complex Domain -- Generalized Umemura Polynomials and the Hirota-Miwa Equation -- Correlation Functions of Quantum Integrable Models: The XXZ Spin Chain -- On Form Factors of the SU(2) Invariant Thirring Model -- Integrable Boundaries and Universal TBA Functional Equations -- Conformal Field Theories, Graphs and Quantum Algebras -- q-Supernomial Coefficients: From Riggings to Ribbons -- Separation of Variables for Quantum Integrable Models Related to $ ${U_q}({\widehat {sl}_N})$ $ -- On a Distribution Function Arising in Computational Biology.
Text of Note
This volume is dedicated to Barry M. McCoy on the occasionofhis sixtieth birthday. Barry McCoy has led the research on integrable models in statistical mechanics and quantumfieldtheoryfor morethan 30years. Hisbook,cowrittenwithT.T.Wu, The Two dimensional/sing Model, (HarvardUniversity)containsallthebasic resultsontheIsing model obtained by the early 1970s. However, McCoy'sjointpaper with Wu, Tracy and Barouch, Spin-spin correlation functions for the two-dimensional/sing model: Exact results in the scaling region (Physical Review B13, 316-374, 1976), was a giant step beyond the book. A remarkable connection between the two-point scaling correlation functions and the Painleve transcendents was found. This work made an enormous impact on mathematical physics in the last quarter of the 20th century. It gave the first nontrivial exampleofinteracting field theory in which the Green function can be written explicitly in terms of special functions satisfying nonlinear differential equations. Later in the 1980s, an extensive list of massless field theories was added in the innovation of conformal field theory, in which the Green functions are characterized by linear differential equationsofthe hypergeometric type. However,evenalmost30yearsaftertheirwork, theIsingmodel isessentiallytheunique casewhereall theGreenfunctionsofmassivefield theoryarecharacterizedbynonlinear differential equations.