1 Neural Architectures and Algorithms -- 2 Face Finding in Images -- 3 Sex Recognition from Faces Using Neural Networks -- 4 ANN Based Classification of Arrhythmias -- 5 Classification of Cells in Cervical Smears -- 6 Multiphase flow monitoring in oil pipelines -- 7 Electrical Load Forecasting -- 8 On the Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Process Control -- 9 Nested Networks for Robot Control -- 10 Adaptive Equalisation using Neural Networks -- 11 TD- Gammon: A Self- Teaching Backgammon Program -- 12 Temporal Difference Learning: A Chemical Process Control Application -- 13 Automated Sleep EEG Analysis using an RBF Network.
Text of Note
Applications of Neural Networks gives a detailed description of 13 practical applications of neural networks, selected because the tasks performed by the neural networks are real and significant. The contributions are from leading researchers in neural networks and, as a whole, provide a balanced coverage across a range of application areas and algorithms. The book is divided into three sections. Section A is an introduction to neural networks for nonspecialists. Section B looks at examples of applications using `Supervised Training'. Section C presents a number of examples of `Unsupervised Training'. For neural network enthusiasts and interested, open-minded sceptics. The book leads the latter through the fundamentals into a convincing and varied series of neural success stories -- described carefully and honestly without over-claiming. Applications of Neural Networks is essential reading for all researchers and designers who are tasked with using neural networks in real life applications.